International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : (642) Last page : (644)
Article doi:
Pankaj Minj1, Kipoo Kiran Singh Mahilang2*, Khilendra Kumar Sonboier1, Pallavi Porte3 and Kanhaiya Lal2
1Department of APFE, SHIATS, Allahabad, UP, India
2Department of FMP, SVCAET&RS, IGKV, Raipur, CG, India
3Department of WRE, SHIATS, Allahabad, UP, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 18.01.2018 | Revised: 20.02.2018 | Accepted: 23.02.2018
A study was carried out to determine some Physico chemical properties of dried amla sample using cabinet tray drying and open sun drying as drying methods. Highest Ascorbic acid was achieved as 608 mg/100g in cabinet drying at 50°C and least of 576.3 mg/100g in open sun drying. Highest protein content was achieved as 2.16 % in cabinet drying at 60°C and least of 2.02 % in open sun drying. The highest fat content was found to be 0.77 % in cabinet drying at 70°C and least of 0.45 % in open sun drying. Whereas highest ash content was found to be 2.31 % in open sun drying and least of 2.23 % in Cabinet tray drying at 70°C
Key words:Dried Amla, Cabinet Tray Drying, Open Sun Drying, Ash Content.
Full Text : PDF; Journal doi :
Cite this article: Minj, P., Mahilang, K.K.S., Sonboier, K.K., Porte, P. and Lal, K., Some Physico Chemical Properties of Dried Amla, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.6(1): 642-644 (2018). doi: