International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : (593) Last page : (598)
Article doi:
Nasim Ahmad*, D. K. Sinha and K. M. Singh
Department of Agricultural Economics
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur), PIN-848 125, Bihar, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 22.01.2018 | Revised: 20.02.2018 | Accepted: 24.02.2018
Protein-energy malnutrition as well as micronutrient deficiencies may be reduced by increasing the consumption of pulses which are of rich sources of proteins, minerals, iron and fibre. Pulses are, traditionally, vital component of our cropping system. Pulses are climate resilient and can be sown in rain-fed areas. They can fix nitrogen in the soil and reduce dependence on nitrogenous fertilizers. They enrich the soil in nitrogenous compounds and are beneficial for crop rotation and mixed cropping. Hence, increasing area under pulses or planting pulses as an inter-season crop promotes sustainable agriculture. The compound growth rate of area under lentil crop was found to be negative for almost states under study except for Uttar Pradesh, where it was observed positive. Similarly, the growth of the production and productivity of the crop over the period of investigation was found to be positive in all the states except Uttar Pradesh and for the last few years, it’s growth in area, production and productivity have been registered negative. In decomposition analysis, the interaction effect for all the states and nation as a whole was estimated high resulted better productivity of the crop. Despite good returns associated with yield uncertainty, this crop does not compete with the other rabi crops grown in the state as evidenced under investigation. Now, the state governments of the region and the policy makers need to come forward to formulate appropriate policy decisions to augment the productivity through, evolving new disease and pest resistant varieties, better management practices and good institutional supports so as to eliminate hunger, assured nutritional security and to promote sustainable agriculture.
Key words: Lentil, Malnutrition, Compound Growth rate, Instability, Decomposition analysis, Food security, Hunger
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Cite this article: Ahmad, N., Sinha, D.K. and Singh, K.M., Economic analysis of production and instability of lentil in major lentil growing states of india, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.6(1): 593-598 (2018). doi: