International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : (356) Last page : (367)
Article doi:
M. S. Argal1,2*, S. K. Verma1 and Sunil Rajput
1Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Collage of Agriculture,
R. V. S. K.V. V., Gwalior, M.P. - 474002, India
2Department of Agriculture, Jhansi – 284003 (U.P.), India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 5.01.2018 | Revised: 10.02.2018 | Accepted: 14.02.2018
A field experiment was conducted at degraded ravine land to evaluate the influence of inorganic and organic sources of plant nutrients practices on the different form of nitrogen. It was observed that the Total Soil Nitrogen (0.077 %), Ammonical-N (33.81 mg kg-1), Nitrate-N (25.49 mg kg-1) and Available-N (168.30 Kg ha-1) highest in 75% RDF+2.5 ton FYM ha-1+PSB+ZnSO4@25 kg ha-1(T6), under nutrient management practices viz., seven treatments Farmer Practices (T1), 100% RDF (T2), 150% RDF (T3), STCR Based NPK Application (T4), 50% RDF+5 tone FYM ha-1 + PSB+ ZnSO4@ 25 kg ha-1 (T5), 75% RDF+2.5 ton FYM ha-1+ PSB+ ZnSO4@ 25 kg ha-1 (T6), Organics Practices FYM @10tone ha-1+PSB+Azotobactor (T7), in randomized block design, replicated three times. Maximum N and P use efficiency (67.68% and 23.75%) was recorded under application of FYM @10 ton ha-1 +PSB + Azotobactor and K use efficiency (35.41% under 50% RDF+5 tone FYM ha-1 + PSB+ ZnSO4@ 25 kg ha-1 practices in pooled basis, respectively. The highest nitrogen gain in the treatment T2 followed by T6 & T3, while there was a gain in the case of T7 and T1. Maximum depletion in phosphorus was recorded in T6 and followed by T1, T2 and T3 during both the years. In case of potassium maximum reduction was recorded in the treatment T6 which was very closely followed by T3 and T7 and minimum was in the treatment T4. The straw yield (4454.27 kg ha-1) and seed yield (3984.45 kg ha-1) of wheat was found highest in 75% RDF+2.5 ton FYM/ha+ PSB+ ZnSO4@ 25 kg ha-1 (T6) practices followed by 150% RDF and STCR Based NPK Application (T4), Thus, the study demonstrated that the 75% RDF+2.5 ton FYM ha-1+ PSB+ ZnSO4@ 25 kg ha-1 (T6), practices improved nutrient management and performance of wheat crop.
Key words: Chambal ravine, Different form of Nitrogen, Nutrient Management, Wheat
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Cite this article: Argal, M.S., Verma, S.K. and Rajput, S., Ameliorating effects of nutrient management on different form of nitrogen and Nutrient Use efficiency in Chambal Ravine of Madhya Pradesh, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.6(1): 356-367 (2018). doi: