International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : (183) Last page : (191)
Article doi:
Swathi Priya*, N., Ramulu, V., Praveen Rao, V. and Uma Devi, M.
Water Technology Centre, College of Agriculture,
Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU), Hyderabad
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 20.10.2017 | Revised: 29.11.2017 | Accepted: 4.12.2017
A field experiment was conducted at Water Technology Centre, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad during rabi 2014-15 to study the “ Effect of drip irrigation schedules and plastic mulching on plant growth, yield and leaf water potential of rabi maize”. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with eight treatments in three replications. The treatments comprises of drip irrigation schedules and plastic mulching viz., drip irrigation equivalent at 100%, 80% and 60% pan evaporation replenishment each with and without plastic mulch and surface furrow irrigation at 0.8 IW/CPE ratio with plastic mulch and surface furrow irrigation at 1.0 IW/CPE ratio without plastic mulch. The experimental soil was sandy clay loam in texture, slightly alkaline in reaction and non-saline. At harvest, significantly higher plant height (284.67 cm) and dry matter production (251.61 g plant-1) of maize was observed in drip irrigation scheduled at 100% pan evaporation replenishment with plastic mulching (I1) followed by 80% pan evaporation with plastic mulch ( I3) and surface furrow irrigation at 0.8 IW/CPE ratio with plastic mulch compared to all other irrigation schedules at all growth stages except at 30 DAS. Significantly higher grain yield (7447 kg ha-1 respectively) of maize were realized in drip irrigation scheduled equivalent at 100% pan evaporation replenishment with plastic mulching (I1) compared to all other irrigation schedules without plastic mulch. Higher leaf water potential was observed before irrigation(-10 to -13 cbars) and after irrigation(-8 to -11cbars) in drip irrigation scheduled at 100% pan evaporation with plastic mulch compared to all other irrigation schedulings followed by drip irrigation at 80% pan evaporation with plastic mulch and 60% pan evaporation with plastic mulch. The present study concluded that rabi grown maize when irrigated with drip irrigation scheduled at 100% pan evaporation replenishment with plastic mulching (I1) realized higher plant height, dry matter production, grain yield and leaf water potential.
Key words: Drip irrigation schedules; Plastic mulching; Plant height; Dry matter; Leaf water potentialFull Text : PDF; Journal doi :
Cite this article: Swathi Priya, N., Ramulu, V., Rao, P.V. and Uma Devi, M., Effect of Drip Irrigation Schedules and Plastic Mulching on Plant Growth, Yield and Leaf Water Potential of Rabi Maize, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.6(1): 183-191 (2018). doi: