International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : (1573) Last page : (1582)
Article doi:
Umashankar H. G.1*, Patel V. N.2, Nagaraja T.3, Vijaykumar L.4 and Sugeetha, S.4
1M.Sc. Scholar, Department of Agricultural Entomology, University of Agricultural
Sciences Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
2Prof. AICRP on Sugarcane, Zonal Agricultural Research Station, VC Farm Mandya-571405
3Prof. & Scheme Head, AICRP on Sugarcane, Zonal Agricultural Research Station, VC Farm Mandya-571405
4Asst. Prof. College of Agriculture, VC Farm Mandya-571405
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 14.08.2017 | Revised: 26.09.2017 | Accepted: 3.10.2017
In vivo experiment was conducted to screen 56 genotypes for resistance to early shoot borer, Chilo infuscatellus Snellen at Zonal Agricultural Research Station, V.C farm, Mandya during 2014-2015. Among the 56 genotypes, 47 genotypes were found less susceptible, while nine genotypes were found moderately susceptible to early shoot borer. Among these 16 genotypes, 009-64(3.44%), 10-65-01(5.59%), 10-65-01(3.83%), 10-17-08(4.97%), 10-57-07(12.65%), 07-10-02(10.57%), 10-28-02(10.03%), 09-61-02(14.85%), 10-17-05(15.39%), 07-06-05(16.48%), 10-33-33(17.75%), 10-38-06(29.86%), 08-15-06(25.88), 06-09-03(27.45) and checksCoVC99463(4.83%) and Co 86032(22.39%) were selected to find out the antibiosis mechanism associated with them.
Correlation study on the biochemical constituents of 16 selected genotypes and checks with the cumulative incidence of ESB revealed positive correlation with total sugars (r= 0.80*) and reducing sugars (r= 0.82*). Whereas phenols (r= -0.84*), cellulose (r= -0.80*), silica (r= -0.82*) and lignin (r= -0.79*) showed negative correlation with ESB incidence. So biochemical analysis of the genotypes indicated lower quantity of total sugars and reducing sugar and higher quantity of phenols, cellulose, lignin and silica were found imparting resistance to ESB of sugarcane.
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Cite this article: Umashankar, H.G., Patel, V.N., Nagaraja, T., Vijaykumar, L., Sugeetha, S., Investigation on Antibiosis Mechanism of Resistance to Early Shoot Borer, Chilo Infuscatellus Snellen in Sugarcane, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.6(1): 1573-1582 (2018). doi: