International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : (1552) Last page : (1557)
Article doi:
Nikhil Kumar Patre*, M. Quasim, Mithlesh Kumar and Ashutosh Tripathi
Indira Gandhi KrishiVishwavidyalaya, Krishak Nagar, Raipur, 492012, Chhattisgarh, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 18.01.2018 | Revised: 23.02.2018 | Accepted: 28.02.2018
The effect of different payloads tested ranging from tare weight to 1100 kg for four different carts i.e. iron frame with iron wheel(IFIW), wooden frame with iron wheel (WFIW), iron frame with iron wheels(IFWW) and wooden frame with wooden wheels(WFWW) on concrete road. The minimum draft was found in IFIW at tare and 1100 kg was 17.56 and 35.22 kg. Similarly, maximum was found in WFWW at tare and 1100 kg was 22.45 and 45.64 kg. The WFIW and IFWW type carts have the results between the IFIW and WFWW type cart.As the payloads were increased simultaneously the draft was increased. IFIW type has lowest draft at all payloads and highest draft was found in WFWW type cart at all payloads. The maximum speedwas found in IFIW type at tare and payload 1100 kg payload was 4.10 km/h and 2.99 km/h. Similarly,minimum speedwas found in WFWW type at tare and payload 1100 kg payload was 3.67 km/h and 2.76km/h. The WFIW and IFWW type carts have the results between the IFIW and WFWW type cart. It was found that WFWW type has lowest speed at all payloads, followed by IFIW type, WFIW type and highest speed was found in IFIW type bullock cat at all payloads.The maximum power requirement was found 0.32 kW in WFWW type cart for the tare payload condition and for the same payload power requirement is minimum 0.27 kW in IFIW cart. As the payload was increasing the power requirement was also increasing in each cart. WFWW cart has the maximum power requirement at 1100 kg payload while IFIW has the minimum 0.39 kW that is the lowest than the all carts.The highest power requirement was found in WFWW type cart and lowest in IFIW type bullock cart.Slippage was found maximum 3.36 % at tare payload in WFWW type cart and at same payload minimum in 2.30 % in IFIW cart. At maximum payload condition IFIW cart has the minimum slippage 0.88 % and maximum slippage was found in 1.63 % for the same payload condition in WFWW. Remaining two carts WFIW and IFIW have the result between the IFIW and WFWW type cart. The highest wheel slippage was found in WFWW type bullock cart, whereas in IFIW type cart wheel slippage was lowest.
Key words: Payload, draft, speed, power, slippage.
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Cite this article: Patre, N.K., Quasim, M., Kumar, M. and Tripathi, A., Comparative Performance of Bullock Carts at Different Payload Condition, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.6(1): 1552-1557 (2018). doi: