International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : (1449) Last page : (1455)
Article doi:
Shivaleela Patil, Surekha Sankangoudar* and Kiresur
Department of Extension and Communication Management, College of Rural Home Science
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad-580008, Karnataka, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 31.08.2017 | Revised: 27.09.2017 | Accepted: 2.10.2017
Home science is the science that deals all the things that includes an individual, his or her home and family members and the resources at home available to them. Home science education encourages better living and it mostly revolves around the sphere of the family and its ecosystem. Home Science is dedicated to women’s development since women shoulders the family responsibilities. So certain low cost technologies have developed which improve the work efficiency of women. Disseminating of technologies results in adoption of technologies at individual level. Adoption of technologies would be an effective means of bringing relief to the rural women from their back breaking tasks with this view the study was conducted in three districts of Northern Karnataka during the year 2015. From three districts, three villages and from each village 40 SHG members were selected. Thus total sample constitute 120. The technologies selected for the study were, Developmental mile stones and Stimulating play materials, Importance of Food and Food Pyramid, Consumer Education and Standard Signs and Stain Removal. The result reveals that independent variables namely education, occupation, family type, land holding, mass media utilization, extension contact and cosmopoliteness, income have influenced significantly to the probability of knowledge and adoption level of selected home science technologies. Whereas education, mass media utilisation and cosmopoliteness influenced negatively.
Key words: Home Science, Technologies, Adoption, DisseminationFull Text : PDF; Journal doi :
Cite this article: Patil, S., Sankangoudar, S. and Kiresur, Socio-personal Characteristics and their Association with the Knowledge and Adoption level of Home Science Technologies, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.6(1): 1449-1455 (2018). doi: