International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : (1383) Last page : (1391)
Article doi:
Awadhesh Kumar Singh1*, Manoher Saryam2, Ritu Shah3 and Jitendra Pal Ghatawal4
1,2,3,4Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Extension Education, IAS, BHU, Varanasi, UP- 221005
Dairy Extension Division, NDRI, Karnal, Haryana
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 29.06.2017 | Revised: 25.07.2017 | Accepted: 4.08.2017
Even though India stands first in milk production, majority of the farmers are practicing unhygienic and unhealthy milk production practices thus the produced milk is of poor standards. Good Dairy Farming Practices (GDFP) are used world-wide which support the farmers to produce and market safe, quality milk to satisfy the quality standards. The adoption of good dairy farming practices was studied purposively in Uttar Pradesh, since this state ranks first in milk production in India. The study was purposively conducted in central and eastern plain zones of UP. The study revealed that the majority (12.00%) of respondents found that overall adoption of good dairy farming practices. Adoption level of good animal health practices was found to be 12.00 percent and adoption level of good hygienic milking practices (7.00%), good feeding practices (15.00%), good animal welfare practices (16.00%), good environment practices (16.00%) and good socio-economic management practices (4.00%). Therefore, in the present study, an effort was made to know the extent of adoption of good dairy farming practices in the study area.
Key words: Adoption, Animal health, Environment, Animal welfare, Hygienic milking.Full Text : PDF; Journal doi :
Cite this article: Singh, A.K., Saryam, M., Shah, R. and Jitendra Pal Ghatawal, J.P., Compare the Extent of Adoption of Good Dairy Farming Practices by the Dairy Farmers in Central Plain and Eastern Plain Zones of Uttar Pradesh, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.6(1): 1383-1391 (2018). doi: