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International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : (1276) Last page : (1282)
Article doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.6145

Quality and Shelf Life Evaluation of Minimally Processed Papaya Using Chemical Pretreatments

V.N.P. Sivarama Krishna1*, A.V.D. Dorajee Rao2, K.Giridhar3 and P. Latha4
1College of Horticulture, Dr.YSR Horticultural University, Anantharajupeta-516 105, A.P.
2College of Horticulture, Dr.YSR Horticultural University, V.R.Gudem-516 105, A.P.
3Horticultural Research Station , LAM , Dr. YSR Horticultural University, Guntur, A.P
4Institute of Frontier Technology, Agricultural Research Station, ANGRAU, Tirupati, A.P.
*Corresponding Author E-mail: vnpsrk@gmail.com
Received: 4.01.2018  |  Revised: 6.02.2018   |  Accepted: 20.02.2018  


A study was conducted to evaluate the best chemical treatment to enhance the quality and shelf life of minimally processed papaya .The papaya fruits sliced into cubes and were treated with different combinations of anti browning and anti softening chemicals viz., Calcium chloride  and  Citric acid . The result revealed that the least physiological loss in weight was observed in the cubes treated by calcium chloride 2% + citric acid 5% and the maximum weight loss was recorded in control. Besides, the mean loss in weight increased from 4th day to 12th day of storage but enormously between 8th and 12th day of storage. Further, the chemical pretreatments significantly improved the quality characters of the minimally processed papaya cubes. The mean values of sugars, ascorbic acid, total carotenoids and organoleptic score were highest in the cubes treated with calcium chloride 2% + citric acid 5%.. The minimum browning of the cubes was also noticed in pretreatments with 2% of calcium chloride + 5% of citric acid. The microbial count was found to be at highest on 12th day in the control samples whereas those treated by the above combination of chemicals recorded least microbial count on the same day among all the treatments. Similarly maximum shelf life (14.70 days) was obtained with the cubes treated with calcium chloride 2% + citric acid 5% whereas the lowest shelf life was recorded by the untreated control samples.

Key word: Papaya, Shelf-life, Calcium chloride, Citric acid, Browning

Full Text : PDF; Journal doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782

Cite this article: Sivarama Krishna, V.N.P., Dorajee Rao, A.V.D., Giridhar, K.., and Latha, P., Quality and Shelf Life Evaluation of Minimally Processed Papaya Using Chemical Pretreatments, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.6(1): 1276-1282 (2018). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.6145