International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : (1174) Last page : (1183)
Article doi:
Divya phougat*, ishwar singh panwar1 and sudhir kumar sethi2
1Wheat & Barley section, department of genetics & plant breeding
2directorate of research, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana-125004, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 2.09.2017 | Revised: 30.10.2017 | Accepted: 6.11.2017
Wheat is self-pollinated crop and its evolution from wild grasses lead to its successful crossing with Aegilops, Agropyron and other species like rye allows adding new variations making it more diverse genetically. With a high selection pressure for desirable agronomic traits while attempting elite x elite crosses, diversity in the available germplasm is shrinking slowly. There is need to initiate the pre-breeding activity for developing genetic stocks for yield component lines coupled with resistance to biotic stress. Introgression of new genetic diversity from unrelated wheat germplasm can create new genetic pool and bring quantitative genes that may not be present in wheat germplasm commonly used in a breeding programme. Breeding wheat varieties with increased grain yield potential, enhanced water-use efficiency, heat tolerance, end-use quality, and durable resistance to important diseases and pests can contribute to meeting atleast half of the desired production increase and remaining half must come through better agronomic management practices.
Key words: Breeding approaches, Genetic variation, Prebreeding, Wild relatives, WheatFull Text : PDF; Journal doi :
Cite this article: phougat, D., panwar, i.s. and sethi, s.k., Enhancement of Genetic Variation through Different Appraoches in Wheat Breeding, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.6(1): 1174-1183 (2018). doi: