International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : (1154) Last page : (1160)
Article doi:
Yogita V. Masur1* and Veena S. Jadhav2
1 Ph.D scholar, Dept of Family Resource Management, RHSc, UAS Dharwad
2 Professor and Head, Dept of Family Resource Management RHSc, UAS Dharwad
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 22.08.2017 | Revised: 20.09.2017 | Accepted: 27.09.2017
Entrepreneurship development is an organized and continous process. The present study was conducted to determine the impact of krishi vigyan kendra and Rural Development and Self Employment Training Institute on successful women of Dharwad district. Women entrepreneurs who undergone training on non-agricultural activities and started their enterprise and became successful as an entrepreneur was selected by purposive random sampling method. Sample details was collected through secondary data from KVK, UAS Dharwad and RUDSETI Dharwad. The study concluded that krishi vigyan kendra and RUDSETI playing vital role in raising the economic status of women. KVK and RUDSETI play a positive role for empowerment of the women. Hence training programmes organized by KVKs for women had a great impact in Dharwad district.
Key words: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes, KVK (Krishi Vigyan Kendra) and Rural Development and Self Employment Training Institute (RUDSETI).
Full Text : PDF; Journal doi :
Cite this article: Masur, Y.V. and Jadhav, V.S., Women Entrepreneur’s undergone Training in Kvk and Rudseti of Dharwad District, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.6(1): 1154-1160 (2018). doi: