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International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : (1102) Last page : (1107)
Article doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.6060

Potentiality, System Productivity and Economics of Maize + Plolebean/ French bean Intercropping System in Light Soils of Karnataka

Afroza Patel1*, H. K. Veeranna2 and Ganapati3
1M.Sc. Student, 2Professor of Agronomy, 3Associate Professor of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry,
College of Agriculture, UAHS, Shivamogga (Karnataka)
*Corresponding Author E-mail: afrozampatel5208@gmail.com
Received: 2.12.2017  |  Revised: 8.01.2018   |  Accepted: 14.01.2018  


A field experiment was conducted during the Kharif season of 2015 at College of Agriculture, Shivamogga to study the effect of maize +pole bean/ French bean intercropping on crop productivity, system productivity and economics. The experiment consisted of ten treatments  in combination of  three row spacing for maize;  60 cm and  75/45 cm for paired row with intra row spacing of  30 cm for both sole and inter crop of maize with  pole bean,  90 cm x 20 cm for maize  intercropped with French bean. Recommended spacing of 120 cm x 30 cm for pole bean under sole and intercropping treatments; Two times of sowing of pole bean i.e. simultaneously with maize and 10 DAS of maize; two levels of fertilizers for pole bean viz., 100 per cent and 50 per cent of RDF. Among the treatments, maize sole crop at    60 cm x 30 cm spacing and sole crop of pole bean at 120 cm x 30 cm spacing recorded significantly higher grain yield of 83.01 q ha-1  and fresh bean of 102 q ha-1 respectively, over the intercropping treatments. Significantly higher MEY was obtained under maize + pole bean simultaneous sowing under paired row at 75/45 cm x 30 cm spacing (174.55 q ha-1) along with the higher net returns (130331.9 Rs. ha-1).

Key words: Maize, Pole bean, Yield, System productivity (MEY), Economics.

Full Text : PDF; Journal doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782

Cite this article: Patel, A., Veeranna, H.K. and Ganapati, Potentiality, System Productivity and Economics of Maize + Plolebean/ French Bean Intercropping System in Light Soils of Karnataka, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.6(1): 1102-1107 (2018). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.6060