International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : (889) Last page : (893)
Article doi:
T. K. Patbandha1*, D. D. Garg1, M. R. Chavda1, S. S. Parikh2 and B. D. Savaliya2 and
V. V. Gamit1
1College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Junagadh Agricultural University (JAU),
Junagadh - 362001 (Gujarat), India
2Cattle Breeding Farm, JAU, Junagadh - 362001 (Gujarat), India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 26.07.2017 | Revised: 30.08.2017 | Accepted: 6.09.2017
Present study compared housing management practices (placement of shed, types of floor, wall, pillar, roof, manger and waterer, floor level from surrounding and slope, gutter, manure pit, feed store room, protection from cold stress, use of winter bedding and disinfectant) of dairy bovines in north (n=80) and south (n=80) Saurashtra sub-agroclimatic zones of Gujarat. In northern region, higher proportion of respondents had pucca floor (51.25 vs. 30%, P£0.01) and wall (86.25 vs. 60%, P£0.001) compared to southern region. Majority of farmers had RCC roof (52.5 vs. 20%, P£0.001), but less had asbestos/tin roof (7.5 vs. 33.75%, P£0.001) in southern than northern region. In northern region, 45% farmers provided pucca waterer; whereas, only 10% in southern region (P£0.001). Floor level of shed above surrounding was higher in southern than northern region (50.0 vs. 17.5%, P£0.001). However, majority of farmers in northern region constructed gutter as compared to southern region (48.75 vs. 32.50%, P£0.05). Lower proportion of farmers in southern region had manure pit away from shed than that of northern region (54.84 vs. 84.75 %, P£0.001). Higher percent of farmers in southern region disinfected floor compared to northern region (35 vs. 8.75%, P=0.006). In northern region, majority of farmers protected animals from cold stress than those in southern region (86.25 vs. 72.5%, P£0.05). Present study indicated that certain housing management practices differed between two regions may be attributed to climatic difference including rainfall pattern.
Key words: Housing, Dairy bovines, Saurashtra, Gujarat
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Cite this article: Patbandha, T.K., Garg, D.D., Chavda, M.R., Parikh, S.S. and Savaliya, B.D. and Gamit, V.V., Housing Management of Dairy Bovines : A Comparative Study in South and North Saurashtra Sub-Agroclimatic Zones of Gujarat, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.6(1): 889-893 (2018). doi: