International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2017, Volume : 5, Issue : 3
First page : (436) Last page : (442)
Article doi:
Sandeep Nagar1, Mukesh Kumar2, Kumatkar, R. B.1*, Jeet Ram Sharma1 and Surender Singh1
1Department of Horticulture, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana- 125 004
2D.E.S. (Horticulture), CCS Haryana Agricultural University, KVK Bawal
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 4.02.2017 | Revised: 15.02.2017 | Accepted: 16.02.2017
The experiment was conducted at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, RRS, Bawal to evaluate genetic variability in bael genotypes grown in experimental orchard. A total of twelve genotypes (NB-5, NB-9, NB-17, CISH B-1, CISH B-2, NB-16, Pant Aparna, Pant Sujata, Samastipur Selection, Seedling-1, Seedling-2 and Seedling-3.) having wide range of variability in fruit characteristics studied. Number of seed sacks/fruit, number of seeds/sack, number of seeds/fruit, seed weight/fruit and test weight varied as (10.33-23.0), (5.0-8.66), (71.10-161.0), (5.45 g-26.45 g) and (6.63 g- 17.50 g), respectively. TSS (%), total sugars (%), reducing sugars (%) and non-reducing sugars (%) were recorded maximum in NB-5. Acidity was minimum in NB-9 (0.30 %) and ascorbic acid was recorded maximum in Samsastipur Selection (13.31 mg/100g). Sugar-acid ratio, TSS-acid ratio and tannin content were observed maximum in NB-17.
Key words: Bael germplasms, seed & quality characters, semi-arid conditions, Haryana.
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Cite this article: Nagar, S., Kumar, M., Kumatkar, R.B., Sharma, J.R. and Singh, S., Evaluation of Bael (Aegle marmelos Corr.) Germplasms for Seed and Qualitative Characters under Semi-Arid Conditions of Haryana, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.5(3): 436-442 (2017). doi: