International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2017, Volume : 5, Issue : 3
First page : (40) Last page : (52)
Article doi:
Hassan Mahmoudzadeh1*, Ghasem Hassan2, Khaled Bahram Nejad3 and Khoshnood Alizadeh4
1Associate Professor of Seed and Plant Improvement Research Department, West Azerbaijan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research And Education Center, AREEO, Urmia, Iran
2Assistant Professor of Seed and Plant Improvement Research Department, West Azerbaijan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research And Education Center, AREEO, Urmia, Iran
3Associate Professor of Horticulture Sciences Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Azad University of Mahabad, Mahabad, Iran
4MSc.Graduated Student of Horticulture Sciences Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Azad University of Mahabad, Mahabad, Iran
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 29.05.2017 | Revised: 11.06.2017 | Accepted: 12.06.2017
Changes in reserves carbohydrates in relation to the leaf to fruit ratio were measured over three years at different grapevine phonological stages in one year old canes, trunks and roots of the cultivar 'Qizil Uzom' in Horticultural Research Station of Kahriz, Urmia, Iran. Soluble carbohydrates represented only a small part (<6.5 % of dry weight) of the total non-structural carbohydrates. In the roots and trunks, the starch content fluctuated during the growing season, reaching the lowest values between bud-break and flowering depending on the year, and the highest values between veraison and leaf fall. The vines maintained at 0.85 m canopy height had a leaf area of around 2.7 m2∙vine from the end of flowering until harvest, while the vines with a 1.35 m tall canopy had a leaf area of about 4.9 m2∙vine. The leaf/fruit ratio (source-sink), expressed by the “light-exposed leaf area∙kg-1 fruit”, not only substantially influenced the soluble sugar content in berries but also the starch and total non-structural carbohydrates concentrations in the trunks and roots at pre-harvest time. Lowest leaf/fruit ratios resulted in decreased starch and total non-structural carbohydrates concentrations in the trunks and roots, which attained the maximum values when the leaf-fruit ratio neared 4.25 m2 of light-exposed leaf fruit. The TSS content in the berries was reduced by 23 % when the leaf-fruit ratio was around 0.5m2∙kg-1, in comparison to the maximum TSS values with a leaf-fruit ratio at 4.5m2∙kg-1. A similar relation was observed between the leaf-fruit ratio and starch content in the trunks. Canopy height and leaf area had no predominant influence on the soluble sugars, starch contents, or total non-structural carbohydrates in the permanent vine parts.
Key words:non-structural carbohydrates, carbohydrate reserves, trunk, source-sink ratio.
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Cite this article: Mahmoudzadeh, H., Hassani, G., Nejad, K.B. and Alizadeh, K., The Influence of the Leaf to Yield Ratio on Carbohydrate Reserves in Grapevine Vitis vinifera L. 'Qizil Uzom', Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.5(3): 40-52 (2017). doi: