International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2017, Volume : 5, Issue : 3
First page : (1065) Last page : (1074)
Article doi:
Nukasani Sagarika*, Prince M. V. and Sreeja R.
Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering, Kerala Agricultural University, Kerala, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 15.02.2017 | Revised: 26.02.2017 | Accepted: 27.02.2017
Microwave energy could be effectively used for extraction of essential oil in place of steam or water heating. The main advantage of using microwave energy is it significantly increases the speed of the processes and reduces the thermal gradients. The essential oil from many plant materials were successfully extracted using microwave energy. As in the case of microwave heating of food materials, the internal heating of the already present water within the plant material by the microwaves leads to the rupture of the glands and odoriferous receptacles freeing the essential oil which is then evaporated by the in-situ water of the plant material. The water then evaporated could then be passed through a condenser outside the microwave cavity where it is condensed. This study deals with the review of research work reported on the scenario of microwaves and microwave assisted techniques. Reviews on application of microwave technology in extraction of essential oil has been elaborately presented.
Key words: Distillation, Dielectric heating, Cytoprotective effect, Ionic Polarization, Dipolar rotation
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Cite this article: Sagarika, N., Prince, M.V. and Sreeja, R., Review on Microwave Assisted Extraction Technique, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.5(3): 1065-1074 (2017). doi: