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International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2017, Volume : 5, Issue : 2
First page : (456) Last page : (466)
Article doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.2538

Combining Ability Analysis in Early Maturing Maize Inbred Lines under Temperate Conditions

M. Altaf Wani1*, Shafiq A. Wani2, Zahoor A. Dar3, Aijaz A. Lone4, Ishfaq Abedi5 and Asima Gazal6
1Assistant Professor, Mountain Agriculture Research and Extension station, Gurez, SKUAST- Kashmir.
2Professor, Division of Plant Biotechnology, SKUAST- Kashmir.
3Associate Professors, Dryland Agriculture (Kareva) Station, Budgam, SKUAST- Kashmir.
4Senior Scientist, Dryland Agriculture (Kareva) Station, Budgam, SKUAST- Kashmir
5Assistant Professor, Division of Genetics and Plant Breeding, SKUAST-Kashmir, J&K, India
6Ph.D. Scholar, Division of Genetics and Plant Breeding, SKUAST-Kashmir, J&K, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail: wani.altaf100@gmail.com
Received: 1.02.2017  |  Revised: 11.02.2017   |  Accepted: 12.02.2017  


Genetic analysis of 10 diverse inbred lines (8 from local germplasm and 2 from AICRP Maize) through half diallel mating design during Kharif-2012 and rabi 2012-13 at Dryland (Karewa) Agriculture Research Station, Budgam and AICRP Winter Maize Nursery, Hyderabad, respectively. The parents and their all possible F1 crosses and excluding reciprocals, were evaluated in the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with two replications at two locations viz., Srinagar, (E1) and Budgam (E2) during kharif 2013. Analysis of variance for all twelve traits revealed that significant mean squares for individual and pooled environments indicating environments taken for experimentation were diverse whereas, significant G x E interaction indicated that genotypes behaved differently in these diverse environments. Substantial genetic variability in the crosses was reflected by highly significant differences among the parents and their crosses for all the traits in the individual environments and data pooled over environments. The significance of the variances resulting from gca x environments and sca x environments pointed out that gca and sca effects also exhibited interaction with environments for all the traits. Magnitude of dominance variance was higher in range in the individual environments as well as data pooled over environments for all the traits, indicating preponderance of non-additive gene action. Both additive and dominance components were found present with preponderance of dominance component. None of the parents as well as crosses exhibited significant and desirable combining ability effects for all the traits.  However, several crosscombinations were observed to demonstrate significant sca effect for yield and many important yield attributing and maturity traits. Six promising F1cross combinations(KDM-361A x KDM-332A, KDM-361A x CM-128,KDM-343A x KDM-914A,KDM-332A x KDM-340A,KDM-914A x CM-128, andKDM-362Ax CM-502) were identified on the basis of per seperformance and sca will be further tested in different sets of environments for release in coming years.

Key words: Diallel, General combining ability, Grain yield, Specific combining ability, Zea mays.

Full Text : PDF; Journal doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782

Cite this article: Wani, M.M.A., Wani, S.A., Dar, Z.A., Lone, A.A., Abedi, I. and Gazal, A., Combining Ability Analysis in Early Maturing Maize Inbred Lines under Temperate Conditions, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.5(2): 456-466 (2017). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.2538