International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2017, Volume : 5, Issue : 1
First page : (188) Last page : (194)
Article doi:
G. Ali*, Z.A. Dar, I. Abidi , A.A. Lone., S.H. Wani., M.A. Ahangar and I. Bisati
Shere Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir
Division of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Srinagar-190025
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 23.01.2017 | Revised: 5.02.2017 | Accepted: 8.02.2017
The present study was carried out to generate information on gene action utilizing Hayman’s component of diallel analysis. The experimental material comparised of 66 F1s generated by crossing 12 diverse inbred lines of maize (Zea mays L.) in diallel mating design and these 66 F1s along with 12 parents and two standard checks were evaluated in randomised complete block design in two replications at two locations namely High Altitude Rice Research Sub-station, Larnoo (E1) and Experimental Farm of Division of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Shalimar (E2). Analysis of variance revealed prepondance of sca variance than gca for all traits studied and the estimation of variance due to dominance deviations was higher in magnitude than additive genetic variance
for all the traits studied in individual environments as well as pooled over environments which favours the production of hybrids. Component analysis of genetic variance for pooled analysis revealed significance of both additive (D) and dominance (H1 and H2). Component analysis of genetic variance revealed the significance of additive gene action for maturity traits , plant height, kernal row number, kernels per row, and 100-grain weight, whereas components of variance due to dominance deviations were significant for all the traits indicating the preponderance of non- additive gene action in the inheritance of various traits. Average degree of dominance was in over dominance range for all the characters for graphical analysis where as the gene distribution was observed to be asymmetrical for all traits except for kernels per row.
Key words: Maize, Component analysis, Gene action, Diallel analysis
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Cite this article: Ali, G., Dar, Z.A., Abidi, I., Lone, A.A., Wani., S.H., Ahangar, M.A. and Bisati, I., Genetic Studies Involving Metric Traits in High Alitude Maize Inbred Lines under Temperate Conditions, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.5(1): 188-194 (2017). doi: