International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2016, Volume : 4, Issue : 5
First page : (48) Last page : (51)
Article doi:
K. Hema1*, G V Lakshmi2, Y. Sudha Rani3 and S. Ratna Kumari4
1Examination Cell, ANGRAU, Guntur-522 509, Guntur Dt., Andhra Pradesh, India
2APGC,Lamfarm, Guntur, Guntur Dt., Andhra Pradesh, India
3AICRP on management of salt affected soils and use of saline water in agriculture, ANGRAU, Saline Water Scheme, Bapatla-522 101, Guntur Dt., Andhra Pradesh, India
4Regional Argicultural Research Station,Lamfarm, Guntur, Guntur Dt., Andhra Pradesh, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 8.08.2016 | Revised: 22.08.2016 | Accepted: 25.08.2016
A field experiment was conducted in black cotton soils with seven Bt.cotton hybrids viz., Santhi, Bhakthi BG II, Bunny BG II, Dr. Brent BG II, RCH 2BG II, First class BG II and Jadoo BG II and were replicated thrice in Randamised block design in farmer’s field at Ammanabrolu village of Prakasam district during kharif, 2014. The experimental soil was moderately alkaline (pH: 8.6) and saline (ECe: 8.8 dSm-1) in nature, available nitrogen 272 kg ha-1, phosphorous 27 kg ha-1 and potassium 341 kgha-1. Among the hybrids, First class Bt. cotton recorded significantly highest kapas yield (2244 kg ha-1) followed by Dr.Brent Bt.cotton (2239 kg ha-1) and Jadoo Bt.cotton (1992 kg ha-1) . Significantly highest boll weight was recorded in Bhakti Bt. cotton (5.36 g) followed by first class Bt. cotton (5.16 g) and Jaddu Bt. cotton (5.10 g). The highest lint index (6.37 g) and ginning out turn (41.62 %) was recorded in Dr. Brent Bt. Cotton followed by Bhakti Bt. The significantly highest span length (30.41 mm) and bundle strength (23.32 g tex-1) of fibre were recorded in First class Bt. followed by Jadoo Bt. and Bunny Bt.
Keywords: Bt. cotton, salt tolerance, yield, fibre properties etc.
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Cite this article: Hema, K., Lakshmi, G.V., Rani, Y.S. and Kumari, S.R., Screening of Bt. Cotton Hybrids (Gossypium hirsutum) for Salt Tolerance in Vertisols of Andhra Pradesh, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 4(5): 48-51 (2016). doi: