International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2016, Volume : 4, Issue : 5
First page : (202) Last page : (211)
Article doi:
Shivaraj S. Patil and Krishna A*
Department of Forest Biology and Tree Improvement, College of Forestry, Sirsi-581 401, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 22.10.2016 | Revised: 29.10.2016 | Accepted: 30.10.2016
The experiment was conducted in the nursery of college of forestry, University of agricultural sciences, Sirsi, to study the effect of organic, inorganic and bio-fertilizers on seedling growth parameters in canes. In both the species (Calamus thwaitesii and Calamus nagabettai), significantly higher seedling height, collar diameter and number of leaves at 30, 60, 90,120, 150 and 180 days after planting. was observed in treatment constituting (T2) vermicompost (20 g/seedling) and vermicompost + 2 g NPK per seedling (T6) . The extent of increase in seedling height due to treatment (T2) in Calamus thwaitesii was found to be 26.58, 39.20, 54.17 and 62.61 per cent and treatment (T6) in Calamus nagabettai was found to be 120.79, 106.33, 99.55 and 102.14 per cent over control at 90, 120, 150 and 180 days after planting respectively. The maximum collar diameter at 180 days after planting in both species (7.20 and 5.15 mm) was observed in treatment T2 constituting vermicompost (20 g/seedling) followed by T6 constituting vermicompost + NPK 2 g respectively. There was significant difference in number of leaves per plant due to various nutrient treatments. The increase in number of leaves production was 2.75 and 2.85 in both the species respectively over control at 180 days after planting. The number of leaves per plant varied significantly at 180 days after planting due to effect of nutrients. The treatment T2 recorded maximum root length (30.08 cm and 15.8 cm) and shoot length (25.45 cm and 18.86 cm) in Calamus thwaitesii and Calamus nagabettai respectively. The root shoot ratio (1.36 and 1.20 in Calamus thwaitesii and Calamus nagabettai) was higher in control over the all treatments both the species. All the biomass parameters were significantly high in application of vermicompost (20 g/seedling) and vermicompost + 20 g NPK per seedling (T6) treatments in both the species over control.
Key words: Plant height, biomass , vermicompost, shoot length and root length
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Cite this article: Patil, S.S. and Krishna, A., Influence of Organic, Inorganic and Bio-Fertilizers on Seedling Growth in Canes, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 4(5): 202-211 (2016). doi: