International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2016, Volume : 4, Issue : 5
First page : (98) Last page : (102)
Article doi:
Sunayan Bardoloi1*, Pranamika Roy1, Gayatri Sarma Baruah2 and Salma Mazid1
1Department of Zoology, B.Borooah College, Guwahati-781007, Assam, India
2Institutional Biotech Hub, B.Borooah College, Guwahati-781007, Assam, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 5.09.2016 | Revised: 19.09.2016 | Accepted: 20.09.2016
The enzyme phenoloxidase (PO) is an important component of insect defense mechanism. Successful inhibition of PO activity could be effective against insects and be used in their biological control. The present study was therefore conducted to observe inhibition of PO activity on the Muga silkworm Antheraea assama Ww. Five different inhibitors, Benzoic acid, Sodium azide, Sodium sulphite, Thiourea and Dithiothretol (DTT) were used at 1mM, 2mM, 3mM and 4mM concentration to see their inhibitory effect on L-DOPA oxidation by PO. It was found that with increasing concentration, all the tested inhibitors exhibited decrease in PO activity, maximum inhibition being recorded at 4mM concentration. Among the inhibitors, DTT resulted in maximum inhibition followed by Thiourea and Benzoic acid. Comparison of different inhibition on enzyme activity at 4mM concentration too proved DTT to be the best inhibitor (2.02±0.81) whereas Sodium sulphite exerted the least inhibitory effect (6.21±1.17).
Key words: Antheraea assama, Benzoic acid, Sodium azide, Sodium sulphite, Dithiothretol
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Cite this article: Bardoloi, S., Roy, P., Baruah G.S. and Mazid, S., Study of Inhibitory Effect of Certain Chemicals on Phenoloxidase (PO) of Antheraea assama Ww., Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.4(5): 98-102 (2016). doi: