International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2016, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : (296) Last page : (309)
Article doi:
Association de cultures Acacia senegal-céréales: outil de résilience aux changements climatiques au Niger
ALZOUMA MAYAKI Zouberou1,2, LAWALI Sitou3, YACOUBA Aïchatou Assoumane1,2, ALZOUMA MAYAKI Zoubeirou1* and DJIBO Moussa2
1Département de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université Abdou Moumouni BP, Niamey Niger
2Institut de Recherche pour le Développement IRD/Niamey Niger
3Département de la Sociologie et d’Economie Rurale, Faculté d’Agronomie et de l’Environnement, Université de Maradi BP : BP 465 Maradi, Niger
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 24.10.2015 | Revised: 21.11.2015 | Accepted: 10.12.2015
The present study is focused on diagnosis of the association millet/Acacia senegal in western Niger. The aim objectives are to: (i) determine the size of farms; (ii) evaluate the performance of crops in association with A. senegal; (iii) analyze the small holder’s perceptions of crops/A. senegal association. It was monitored through semi-structured interviews in the localities of Kokoyé (Tera) and Kiki (Makalondi). The interviews were administered to small holders as well as through the different social classes (youth, adults, old people and women).It appears that four (4) crop production systems namely monocropping system, mixed cropping, crop and A. senegal association and fallow with an average per farm respectively area 1,69 ± 1,77 ha; 5,94 ± 5,25 ha, 3,43 ± 3,10 and 1,87 ± 1,48 ha. Millet, sorghum, cowpea and sesame are the main crops grown in association with A. senegal (37,04%) with an average area respectively of 4,56 ± 3,87 ha, 3,02 ± 3,02 ha, 5,05 ± 4,86 and 2,99 ± 3,04 ha and average production respectively of 588 kg/ha; 702 kg/ha; 24,62 kg/ha and 195,4 kg/ha.The low yield is observed in the locality of Kokoyé for all crops although it possesses the largest size of farm.As a farming practice, the agroforestry systems based on A. senegal trees offer an alternative to fertilizer which are increasingly inaccessible to poor small holders.
Key words: Association; crops; Acacia senegal; Productivity
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Cite this article: Djibo, E.S.,Sitou , L., Assoumane, Y.A., Zoubeirou, A.M. and Moussa, D., Association de cultures Acacia senegal-céréales: outil de résilience aux changements climatiques au Niger, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 4 (1): 296-309 (2016). doi: