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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2021, Volume : 9, Issue : 3
First page : (73) Last page : (75)
Article doi: : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2582-2845.8672
Incidence of Nasal Schistosoma Infection in Holstein-Friesian (HF) Cross breeding bull: A Clinical Case Report
Vinod Shende*, Amit Kalyankar, Hemant Kadam, Shivaji Sontakke, Vinod Potdar and Jayant Khadse
BAIF Development Research Foundation
Central Research Station, A/p- Uruli Kanchan, Tal- Haveli
Dist-Pune (Maharashtra)
*Corresponding Author E-mail: vinod.shende@baif.org.in
Received: 25.03.2021 | Revised: 29.04.2021 | Accepted: 6.05.2021
Incidence of parasitic diseases is persistent vital bottle neck in livestock development in developing countries. Nasal schistosoma is one of the snail-born parasitic diseases. A six year HF cross bred bull was investigated with typical sings, proliferated nasal membrane with sessile, cauliflower like growth, mucopurulent discharge, dyspnoea, snoring during respiration. Main focus of this case study was on investigation and effectual treatment of nasal schistosomiasis. Three doses of Anthomaline @ 20 ml intramuscular according to the body weight of bull at weekly intervals was given. Significant recovery of clinical signs with regression of the growth and general improvement of health condition was observed within three weeks.
Keywords: Nasal Schistosoma, HF crossbreed bull, Anthiomaline.
Full Text : PDF; Journal doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782
Cite this article: Shende, V., Kalyankar, A., Kadam, H., Sontakke, S., Potdar, V., & Khadse, J. (2021). Incidence of Nasal Schistosoma Infection in Holstein-Friesian (HF) Cross breeding bull: A Clinical Case Report, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 9(3), 73-75. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2582-2845.8672