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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2021, Volume : 9, Issue : 1
First page : (422) Last page : (428)
Article doi: : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2582-2845.8588
Analysis of Farmer’s Decision towards Purchase of Chilli Seed in Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh
Kandukuru Azmath Hussain1*, Seedari Ujwala Rani2 and B. Ramana Murthy3
1Institute of Agribusiness Management, S.V. Agricultural College, Tirupati
2Department of Agricultural Economics, S.V. Agricultural College, Tiruapti
3Department of Statistics and Computer Applications, S.V. Agricultural College, Tiruapti
*Corresponding Author E-mail: k.azmath.hussain@gmail.com
Received: 9.01.2021 | Revised: 11.02.2021 | Accepted: 18.02.2021
Buying behavior is the process where individuals decides what, when, where, how and from whom to purchase goods and services. The study was undertaken in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh about factors influencing farmers to purchase chilli seed. Through factor analysis technique , it was observed that offered quality by dealers was major influencing factor with mean score 6.36 followed by farm production factors with mean score 5.89, followed by risk factors, location and accessibility ,social influences, product image, product attributes with mean sores 5.61, 5.25, 5.03, 4.73, 4.56 respectively.
Keywords: Factor analysis, Buying behaviour, Product, Mean score.
Full Text : PDF; Journal doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782
Cite this article: Hussain, K. A., Rani, S. U., & Ramana Murthy, B. (2021). Analysis of Farmer’s Decision towards Purchase of Chilli Seed in Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 9(1), 422-428. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2582-2845.8588