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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2021, Volume : 9, Issue : 1
First page : (286) Last page : (292)
Article doi: :

Economics of GI (Galvanised Iron) Pipe Cage Manufacturing for Cage Aquaculture in Reservoirs of Jharkhand

Stanzin Gawa1 , Nalini Ranjan Kumar2*, Swadesh Prakash1, Rama Sharma1, S.K. Panday1 and Kiran Dube1
1ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai-400061
2ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research-110012
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 4.01.2021  |  Revised: 11.02.2021   |  Accepted: 19.02.2021 


Potential of cage culture as a key technological intervention  in open water bodies to enhance fish productivity  is well known and which is also recognised by government for achieving blue revolution goals. The present study is an attempt to investigate the economics of GI pipe cage manufacturing in Jharkhand. The result revealed that GI pipe cage manufacturing was a capital oriented enterprise requiring high initial investment for the establishing cage manufacturing unit. The costs and return analysis showed total cost to be Rs.9.05 crores   generating gross revenue of  Rs.12 crores per annum. It was observed that variable cost contribute about  96.64 percent  while fixed cost contribute only 3.36 percent of the total cost respectively. The procurement of raw materials was found to contribute the lion share in cost of production which was  90.64 percent (Rs.8.17 crores) of the total cost.  Hence from the study it can be concluded that GI pipe cage manufacturing is capital intensive enterprise . However cage manufacturing was economically viable business  indicated from BC ratio of 1.33.  To further  improve the economic performance of cage manufacturing there was need to minimise cost of  production by finding locally available cheap raw material alternatives like Bamboo and increasing the demand for cage culture which was the major constraint  encountered in cage manufacturing  in Jharkhand .

Keywords: Cage Culture, Economics, GI Pipe, Jharkhand 

Full Text : PDF; Journal doi :

Cite this article: Gawa, G., Kumar, N.R., Prakash, S., Sharma, R., Panday, S.K., & Dube, K. (2021). Economics of GI (Galvanised Iron) Pipe Cage Manufacturing for Cage Aquaculture in Reservoirs of Jharkhand , Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 9(1), 286-292. doi:

