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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2021, Volume : 9, Issue : 1
First page : (157) Last page : (164)
Article doi: :

Performance, Impact and Constraints of SHG in Namakkal District of Tamil Nadu

R. Mounish Raj1* , A. Daniel Viswasam Samuel2, P. Masilamani3 and K. Prabakaran4
1PG Scholar, Department of Agricultural Economics,
2Professor (Agricultural Economics),  Department of Social Sciences, Anbil Dharmalingam
3Dean, Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India
4Assistant professor, Department of Agricultural Economics,
Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 4.12.2020 | Revised: 10.01.2021 | Accepted: 17.01.2021 


Self help group (SHG) is a small, homogeneous, voluntarily formed group in order to advocate savings and collectively congruent to devote their common capital to be lent to its members based on their group and individual decisions. The current study has been focussed to evaluate the overall economics of self help groups such as performance, impact and constraints of it. The current study was carried out during November 2019 through January 2020 amidst self help group and its members in Tiruchengode and Paramathi block of Namakkal district. Performance, impact and constraints were analyzed using stability index, z test and garret ranking method respectively. The results of the study conclusively showed there is significant difference in the mean income of the beneficiaries before and after joining the self help group irrespective of the type of business they undergo. The financial assistance provided by the government has made the beneficiaries to undergo several income generating activities. Providing necessary marketing facilities and timely provision of loan will further enhance the efficiency of undergoing micro economic activities. The employment and income generated through SHG’s had a positive effect on the subsistence of the members. In general the performance of SHG’s found to be stable in primary activities and progressive, with a little revamps it will accomplish more merits.

Keywords: Self help groups, Stability index, Significant difference, Income generating activities.

Full Text : PDF; Journal doi :

Cite this article: Mounish Raj, R., Samuel­­, A.D.V., Masilamani, P., & Prabakaran, K. (2021). Performance, Impact and Constraints of Shg in Namakkal District of Tamil Nadu, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 9(1), 157-164. doi:

