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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2021, Volume : 9, Issue : 1
First page : (108) Last page : (112)
Article doi: :

Marketing Behaviour of Agro-Input Retailers – A Critical Analysis

T. Jeyaprakash Narayanan1*, J. Pushpa2, K. Prabhakaran3 R. Velusamy4, and J. S. Amarnath5
1Ph.D Scholar, Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology,  
2Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology,
3Assistant Professor (Statistics), Department of Agricultural Economics,
4Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology,
5Professor (Agrl. Economics), Department of Agricultural Economics,
Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 3.12.2020 | Revised: 11.01.2020 | Accepted: 18.01.2021 


The agri-input marketing in India is undergoing numerous changes interms of scale of operation, participation and diversification. The study was conducted with 200 agri input retailers of Madurai district. With the objective to assess the marketing behaviour of agro input retailers. The study revealed that ninety per cent of agro input centre purchased seeds for sale thrice per year where as fertilizer once in month. Ninety per cent of the retailer purchased weedicide thrice per year. Majority of them had sole ownership. Sixty per cent of them used distribution of notice / leaflet to villagers as a marketing strategy. High working capital requirement was found to be major factor followed by uncertain nature of agriculture due to seasonality which affected demand and supply of inputs. With respect to seed, ‘varietal regulation procedure reported as most important factor for demand and supply of seeds.

Keywords: Agri-input, Yielding, Crops, Productivity, Fertilizers, Seeds.

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Cite this article: Narayanan, T.J., Pushpa, J., Prabhakaran, K., Velusamy, R., & Amarnath, J. S. (2021). Marketing Behaviour of Agro-Input Retailers – A Critical Analysis, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 9(1), 108-112. doi:

