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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 6
First page : (488) Last page : (491)
Article doi: : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2582-2845.8494
Constraints Faced by TN-IAMP Black Gram Growers and their Suggesstions to Overcome the Constraints
Shameer Ahamed A.1, Ramakrishnan K.2*, K. Prabakaran3 and J. Pushpa4
1Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology,
2Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology,
3Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics,
4Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology,
Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail: ramki.vnr@gmail.com
Received: 3.11.2020 | Revised: 7.12.2020 | Accepted: 13.12.2020
The World Bank Supported TN IAM (Irrigated Agriculture Modernisation) Project is a follow up of IAMWARM (Irrigated Agriculture Modernisation and Water-Bodies Restoration and Management) Project. The project will adopt climate-resilient approaches that promotes sustainable use of land and water resources. This study was undertaken in the Madurai district of Tamil Nadu state. Majority of the beneficiaries (91.66 Per Cent) were faced constraint on damage of crop by wild animals. Nearly (81.66 Per Cent) of the beneficiaries were faced market price fluctuation. procure the produce in the field itself during the time of harvest. Conduct training and demonstrations frequently to update. Providing more finance to meet other expenses in cultivation.
Keywords: TN-IAMP, Constraints, Beneficiaries, Procure, Availability.
Full Text : PDF; Journal doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782
Cite this article: Ahamed, S.A., Ramakrishnan, K., Prabakaran, K., & Pushpa, J. (2020). Constraints Faced By Tn-Iamp Black Gram Growers And Their Suggesstions To Overcome The Constraints, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 8(6), 488-491. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2582-2845.8494
The World Bank Supported TN IAM (Irrigated Agriculture Modernisation) Project is a follow up of IAMWARM (Irrigated Agriculture Modernisation and Water-Bodies Restoration and Management) Project which has made significant development impacts in the state by modernising irrigation infrastructure, improving water use efficiency, enhancing yields and productivity of agriculture in a climate resilient production systems, diversification towards high value crops, strengthening the institutional reforms through Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) and Water Users Association (WUA). Tamil Nadu is one of the water starved states in India endowed with only 3 per cent of the water resources in India. The state located in the rain shadow region of the Western Ghats is receiving limited average annual rain fall of about 925 mm, lower than the national average 1200 mm.
The interventions of this component are aimed at increasing productivity of mostly key crops, promoting diversification of agriculture production systems, enhancing resilience and improving farmer access to markets in project sub-basins. The project will adopt climate-resilient approaches that promotes sustainable use of land and water resources.
The component consists of three sub-components,
This study was undertaken in the Madurai district of Tamil Nadu state. Madurai District of Tamil Nadu was purposively selected for this study because, TN-IAMP was implemented under Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. In this district, areas were covered under sirumalaiyar and sathaiyar sub-basin since its cover a more ayacut area. Madurai district consists of 7 taluks and among this taluks Alanganallur and Vadipatti blocks were selected for this study.
Among these blocks totally 8 villages were selected based on TN-IAMP beneficiaries identified. The respondents of 120 TN-IAMP black gram beneficiaries were selected using purposive sampling method as follows.
Table 1: Distribution of the respondents in the selected villages (n=120)
S.No |
Village |
No. of respondents selected |
1. |
Thevaseri |
17 |
2. |
Muduvarpatti |
17 |
3. |
Sukkampatti |
8 |
4. |
Kutladampatti |
19 |
5. |
Semminipatti |
30 |
6. |
Katchaikatti |
6 |
7. |
Chokalingapuram |
9 |
8. |
Poochampatti |
14 |
Total |
120 |
Constraints faced by the beneficiaries of TN-IAMP black gram cultivation
The constraints encountered by the beneficiaries of TN-IAMP black gram cultivation in study area.
Table 2: Constraints encountered by beneficiaries of TN-IAMP black gram cultivation
S.No |
Constraints |
Number |
Per cent |
1. |
Damage caused by wild animals |
110 |
91.66 |
2. |
Non availability of inputs |
105 |
87.50 |
3. |
Market price fluctuation |
98 |
81.66 |
4. |
More distance of market from village |
95 |
79.16 |
5. |
Illiteracy and lack of interest |
84 |
70.00 |
6. |
High cost of labour |
82 |
68.33 |
7. |
Lack of storage facilities |
78 |
65.00 |
8. |
Lack of processing machineries |
73 |
60.83 |
9. |
Lack of knowledge in pest and disease control |
65 |
54.16 |
10. |
Inadequate transport facilities |
60 |
50.00 |
(*) Multiple response obtained
From the above table that percentage of beneficiaries in the study area expressed their constraints faced during cultivation of black gram under TN-IAMP. From the above details were collected as open choice method. The major foremost constraints were tabulated under response obtained from beneficiaries. Majority of the beneficiaries (91.66 Per cent) were faced constraint on damage of crop by wild animals, because of sirumalai hills were located near the study area and the forest area also a reason for wild animals can easily reach the nearer villages and damaged the agricultural lands.
More than four-fifth of the beneficiaries (87.50 Per cent) were faced non – availability of inputs on time during the season starts. Nearly (81.66 Per cent) of the beneficiaries were faced market price fluctuation on the harvesting time of crop, nearly two-third (79.16 Per cent) of the beneficiaries have opined more distance of market from village, nearly (70.00 Per cent) of the beneficiaries have lack of interest due to illiteracy and majority of the beneficiaries (68.33 Per cent) were faced high cost of labour on intercultural operation done in lands.
Nearly (65.00 Per cent) of beneficiaries were expressed that lack of storage facilities in the study area, most of the beneficiaries were not able to store their entire product in their field. Exactly half of the beneficiaries (50.00 Per cent) were expressed that inadequate transport facilities on their remote villages to market their product to nearer towns. (54.16 Per cent) of beneficiaries expressed that lack of knowledge in pest and disease control and nearly (60.83 Per cent) of the beneficiaries expressed that lack of processing machineries of black gram nearer to study area.
Suggestion given by the beneficiaries to overcome the constraints in TN-IAMP black gram cultivation
To overcome the above constraints, beneficiaries suggested that
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