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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 6
First page : (455) Last page : (463)
Article doi: :

Remote Sensing and GIS Technique for Mapping Land Use/Land Cover of Kiknari Watershed

J Himanshu Rao*, Deepak Patle and Shailesh Kumar Sharma
Department of Soil and Water Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, 482004, Madhya Pradesh, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 5.11.2020 | Revised: 7.12.2020 | Accepted: 11.12.2020 


Classifying land use/land cover with its consequential analysis has gained due importance in the recent time for land resource management. The main purpose of this research was to create a land use/land cover map of Kiknari nala watershed a tributary of Burner river basin using remote sensing and GIS techniques. The fundamental prerequisite in mapping land use/land cover is a high spatial resolution satellite image. Sentinel – 2B image was utilized for such purposes. The investigation took unsupervised K means classification approach as a means to obtain broad categories of LU/LC in ERDAS IMAGINE® 2011 environment. Additionally, the system of  on-screen visual interpretation method aided in diluting the aforementioned categories to forests, agriculture, fallow land, waste land, habitation and water body. The LU/LC analysis portrayed that majority of watershed area is covered under agriculture (i.e. 33.85%) followed by fallow land (27.07%) and forests (22.53%). However, fallow land is having a considerable spatial extent over the watershed, such land can be undoubtedly converted into agriculture and other plantation purposes if water and human resources are easily available in adequacy.

Keywords: LU/LC, Satellite Imagery, Remote Sensing, GIS, Watershed.

Full Text : PDF; Journal doi :

Cite this article: Rao, J.H., Patle, D., & Sharma, S. K. (2020). Remote Sensing and GIS Technique for Mapping Land Use/Land Cover of Kiknari Watershed, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 8(6), 455-463. doi:

