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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 6
First page : (350) Last page : (358)
Article doi: : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2582-2845.8460
Drought Tolerance of Maize Genotypes for Yield and Yield Parameters Using Line Source Sprinkler Irrigation Technique
Renuka S. Herakal1 , B. B. Channappagoudar2, C. M. Navalagatti3, B. R. Patil4 and R. H. Patil5
1Ph.D Scholar (Crop Physiology), 2,3Professors of Crop Physiology, 4Professor of Genetics and Plant Breeding and 5Assistant Professors of Agricultural Meteorology
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad-580 005, Karnataka, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail: renukapgoudar@gmail.com
Received: 3.11.2020 | Revised: 7.12.2020 | Accepted: 12.12.2020
Forty maize genotypes were studied for influence of moisture stress on yield and yield characters using line source sprinkler irrigation technique during rabi-summer, 2016-17 and 2017-2018 using line source sprinkler irrigation technique. The genotypes, G32-DMIL 50, G16-DMIL 13, G39- DMIDS 28, G4-DMIL 78, G28-DMIT 01, G38-DMIDS 15, G15-DMIL 23, G21-DMIL 47, G24-DMIL 84 and G37-DMIDS recorded higher yield compared to other genotypes. The genotype G32- DMIL 50 found promising under various moisture regimes. The genotype G32- DMIL 50 (96.50) and G16- DMIL 13 (91.80) recorded significantly higher cob weight (g/cob) at M1 moisture regime whereas, significantly lower cob weight (g/cob) was recorded in genotype G6- DMIT 30 (17.82), G12- DMIL 58 (18.45), G5- DMIL 150 (19.42), G19- DMID 16 (20.75), G7- DMIL 112 (22.15) and G17- DMIL 52 (22.23) at M5 moisture regime. G21- DMIL 47 (315.89), G28- DMIT 01 (314.83) and G24- DMIL 84 (311.70) recorded significantly higher number of seeds per cob and G6- DMIT 30 (96.67) and G19- DMID 16 (116.05) recorded significantly lower number of seeds per cob. Genotypes G12- DMIL 58 (87.30), G38- DMIDS 15 (85.01), G39- DMIDS 28 (84.99), G26- DMIL 63 (84.80), G24- DMIL 84 (83.83) and G4- DMIL 78 (83.44) recorded significantly higher shelling percentage.
Key words: Maize, Drought tolerance, Yield, Yield parameters, Moisture stress.
Full Text : PDF; Journal doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782
Cite this article: Herakal, R.S., Channappagoudar, B.B., Navalagatti, C.M., Patil, B. R., & Patil, R.H. (2020). Drought Tolerance of Maize Genotypes for Yield and Yield Parameters Using Line Source Sprinkler Irrigation Technique, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 8(6), 350-358. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2582-2845.8460
Maize (Zea maysL.) being a C4 plant belongs to family Poaceae and is popularly known as “Queen of cereals” because of its high production potential and wider adoptability. Maize is the important cereal crop occupying 144 m ha area with a production of 695 mt in the world. In India, it is grown in an area of 8.26 m ha with a production of 19.31 mt (Anonymous, 2019). The productivity of maize in India is very low (2337 kg/ha) compared to the world average (4815 kg / ha). This is because nearly 79 per cent of the maize area is under rainfed situation, where the crop experiences soil moisture stress which leads to decreased yield.
In Karnataka, the crop is grown in 1.17 m ha area with a production and productivity of 3.58 m t and 3060 kg/ha, respectively (Anonymous, 2019). About 42 per cent of the maize area is under irrigation and 58 per cent of the area is under rainfed situation in Karnataka.
The line source sprinkler irrigation technique was laid out following the method developed by Hanks et al. (1976) in Main Agricultural Research Station, Dharwad, which is situated in agro-ecological northern transition zone (Zone 8) of Karnataka. Soil was red sandy loam in texture containing 5.50% coarse sand, 11.00% fine sand, 29.20% silt and 54.30% clay with PH of 7.65. The field experiment was conducted with 40 genotypes of maize. The seeds were sown in furrows by dibbling at a distance of 60 cm between the rows and 20 cm between the plants across the line source layout. Two to three seeds were dibbled per hill. At the time of dibbling care was taken to place the seeds at uniform depth. Thinning was done to retain one seedling per hill at 15 days after sowing. Recommended dose of fertilizer for irrigated condition 150:75:37.5 kg N: P: K per ha was applied. In moisture stress situation the entire dose of recommended fertilizer was applied as basal dose. While in case of irrigated condition the 50% of recommended dose of fertilizer and entire dose P2O5 and K2O were applied as a basal dose. The remaining 50% of N was applied in two splits at 30 and 60 DAS. The field was irrigated through line source kept at 7.5 m interval daily to provide uniform irrigation to the plot up to 20 days after sowing. The treatment of water gradient levels was imposed on 21st day after sowing. Plant protection against pest and diseases was provided as per the package of practices and crop was maintained weed free throughout the season. Each genotype was raised in a two row of 7.5m length with a spacing of 60cm x 20 cm perpendicular to the line source on either side of the LS system with randomization. Each row was divided into 5 parts (M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 moisture regimes) each of 1.4m length which consisted of 7 plants. The water catch cans were placed perpendicular to LS system between rows in the middle of each part (moisture level) in line with sprinkler heads to estimate receipt of moisture levels. The water applied to each subplot was determined by measuring the water collected in plastic container (catch can) in different subplots at convenient locations (Fig 1).
The water collected in each plastic container is computed using
Water applied (cm) = |
Water collected in each plastic container in M1 (cm3) |
Area of the plastic container (cm2) |
The amount of water applied to each subplot is accumulated over the duration of the treatment. Any rainfall during the imposition of drought treatments is added to water input to all subplots (Table 1).
Water deficit thus created was calculated relative to the open pan evaporation that occurs during the treatment period.
Water deficit created relative to the open pan evaporation that occurred during the treatment period was calculated using the formula.
Water deficit (%) = |
X1 – X2 |
x 100 |
X1 |
X1 = Cumulative open pan evaporation during the experimental period (cm)
X2 = Cumulative amount of water applied (including rain) during the experimental period (cm)
Grain yield (kg/ha)
Among the moisture regimes, M1 recorded significantly higher values for maize yields followed by M2, M3 and M4 and these treatments differed significantly among themselves. The treatment M5 recorded significantly lower maize yield compared to other treatments.
Irrespective of moisture regimes and genotypes G32- DMIL 50 (4764) recorded the highest yield (kg/ha) and lowest yield (kg/ha) was observed in G2- DMIL 29 (1038) (Table 2). The interaction effects between moisture regimes and genotypes were significant. The genotype G32- DMIL 50 (6626), G16- DMIL 13 (6113) and G39- DMIDS 28 (5900) recorded significantly higher yield (kg/ha) at M1 moisture regime and significantly lower yield (kg/ha) was recorded in genotype G2- DMIL 29 (559), G6- DMIT 30 (1202), G23- DMID 05 (1205) and G25- DMIL 99 (1314) at M5 moisture regime. At M5 moisture regime genotype G32- DMIL 50 (2518), G16- DMIL 13 (2354), G39- DMIDS 28 (2289), G38- DMIDS 15 (2251), G15- DMIL 23 (2244) and G4- DMIL 78 (2209) recorded significantly higher yield (kg/ha) compared to other genotypes.
Cob weight (g/cob)
Water stress during grain filling period primarily affects kernel weight due to decrease in leaf carbon exchange rates (Jurgenset al., 1978). The reduced yield under water stress could be due to reduced grain number, kernel weight and cob length (Hallet al., 1981; Coasta et al., 1988; Subba Rao, 1992 & Vinodkumar, 1996). Irrespective of moisture regimes and genotypes G32- DMIL 50 (69.38) recorded significantly higher cob weight (g/cob) followed by G16- DMIL 13 (66.10) and G15- DMIL 23 (64.78) and significantly lower cob weight (g/cob) was observed G6- DMIT 30 (33.04), G12- DMIL 58 (34.07), G5- DMIL 150 (36.28), G19- DMID 16 (38.35), G7- DMIL 112 (40.95) and G1- DMIL 281 (41.04) (Table 3). The interaction effects between moisture regimes and genotypes were significant. The genotype G32- DMIL 50 (96.50) and G16- DMIL 13 (91.80) recorded significantly higher cob weight (g/cob) at M1 moisture regime whereas, significantly lower cob weight (g/cob) was recorded in genotype G6- DMIT 30 (17.82), G12- DMIL 58 (18.45), G5- DMIL 150 (19.42), G19- DMID 16 (20.75), G7- DMIL 112 (22.15) and G17- DMIL 52 (22.23) at M5 moisture regime.
At M5 moisture regime genotype G32- DMIL 50 (36.57), G16- DMIL 13 (35.34), G15- DMIL 23 (34.91), G37- DMIDS 10 (32.96), G28- DMIT 01(32.57) and G39- DMIDS 28 (31.54) recorded significantly higher cob weight (g/cob) compared to other genotypes.
Number of seeds per cob
Irrespective of moisture regimes and genotypes G21- DMIL 47 (315.89), G28- DMIT 01 (314.83) and G24- DMIL 84 (311.70) recorded significantly higher number of seeds per cob and G6- DMIT 30 (96.67) and G19- DMID 16 (116.05) recorded significantly lower number of seeds per cob (Table 4). The interaction effects between moisture regimes and genotypes were significant. The genotype G21- DMIL 47 (438.00), G28- DMIT 01 (437.50), G24- DMIL 84 (431.00), G16- DMIL 13 (399.50) and G32- DMIL 50 (390.50) recorded significantly higher number of seeds per cob at M1 moisture regime. Whereas, significantly lower number of seeds per cob was recorded in genotype G6- DMIT 30 (52.26), G19- DMID 16 (61.18), G5- DMIL 150 (70.68), G25- DMIL 99 (73.73), G7- DMIL 112 (82.39) and G23- DMID 05 (90.29) at M5 moisture regime. At M5 moisture regime genotype G21- DMIL 47 (170.82), G28- DMIT 01 (170.63), G24- DMIL 84 (168.09), G16- DMIL 13 (155.81), G32- DMIL 50 (150.73) and G10- DMIT 27 (140.99) recorded significantly higher number of seeds per cob compared to other genotypes.
Shelling percentage (%)
Irrespective of moisture regimes and genotypes G12- DMIL 58 (87.30), G38- DMIDS 15 (85.01), G39- DMIDS 28 (84.99), G26- DMIL 63 (84.80), G24- DMIL 84 (83.83) and G4- DMIL 78 (83.44) recorded significantly higher shelling percentage. G2- DMIL 29 (25.75) recorded significantly lower shelling percentage (Table 5).
The interaction effects between moisture regimes and genotypes were significant. The genotype G12- DMIL 58 (87.32), G38- DMIDS 15 (84.91), G39- DMIDS 28 (84.87), G26- DMIL 63 (84.82), G24- DMIL 84 (83.80) and G4- DMIL 78 (83.44) recorded significantly higher shelling percentage at M1 moisture regime. Whereas, significantly lower shelling percentage was recorded in genotype G2- DMIL 29 (25.70) at M5 moisture regime. At M5 moisture regime genotype G38- DMIDS 15 (86.01), G12- DMIL 58 (85.97), G8- DMIT 11 (85.09), G39- DMIDS 28 (84.87), G26- DMIL 63 (84.82) and G24- DMIL 84 (83.80) recorded significantly higher shelling percentage compared to other genotypes.
Test weight (100 grain weight) (gram)
Irrespective of moisture regimes and genotypes G6- DMIT 30 (22.07) recorded significantly higher test weight (g) 100 seeds and G1- DMIL 281 (11.02), G23- DMID 05 (11.20), G18- DMIL 41 (11.35), G17- DMIL 52 (11.35) and G2- DMIL 29 (11.41) recorded significantly lower test weight (g) (Table 6).
The interaction effects between moisture regimes and genotypes were significant. The genotype G6- DMIT 30 (30.60) recorded significantly higher test weight (gram) at M1 moisture regime. Whereas, significantly lower test weight (gram) was recorded in genotypes G12- DMIL 58 (5.43), G1- DMIL 281 (5.80), G2- DMIL 29 (6.08), G23- DMID 05 (6.12), G18- DMIL 41 (6.20) and G17- DMIL 52 (6.20) at M5 moisture regime. At M5 moisture regime genotype G6- DMIT 30 (11.93), G33- DMIDS 12 (10.64), G19- DMID 16 (10.44), G15- DMIL 23 (10.12), G37- DMIDS 10 (9.92) and G36- DMIDS 33 (9.72) recorded significantly higher test weight (gram) compared to other genotypes. These results indicated that, the genotypes should either possess higher test weight or higher number of seeds per plant in order to produce higher yield levels. These findings are in conformity with the reports of Kumar and Chaudhary (1986) and Jagtap and Kolhe (1986).
Harvest index (%)
Irrespective of moisture regimes and genotypes G23- DMID 05 (38.42) recorded significantly higher harvest index (%) and G32- DMIL 50 (17.62), G16- DMIL 13 (17.62), G28- DMIT 01 (17.89), G14- DMIL 117 (18.86), G15- DMIL 23 (19.02) and G2- DMIL 29 (19.29) recorded significantly lower harvest index (%) (Table7).
The interaction effects between moisture regimes and genotypes were significant. The genotype G23- DMID 05 (40.39) recorded significantly higher harvest index (%) at M1 moisture regime. Whereas, significantly lower harvest index (%) was recorded in genotype G32- DMIL 50 (14.37), G16- DMIL 13 (14.41), G28- DMIT 01 (14.59), G14- DMIL 117 (15.38), G15- DMIL 23 (15.59) and G2- DMIL 29 (15.81) at M5 moisture regime. At M5 moisture regime genotype G23- DMID 05 (31.43) recorded significantly higher value at harvest index (%) compared to other genotypes.
Table 1: Particulars of water used in line source sprinkler irrigation technique
Sl. No. |
Particulars |
M1 |
M2 |
M3 |
M4 |
M5 |
1 |
Amount of water supplied (ml) |
42703.07 |
37424.12 |
26911.88 |
16335.31 |
10826.70 |
2 |
Amount of water received through rain (ml) |
1786.00 |
1786.00 |
1786.00 |
1786.00 |
1786.00 |
3 |
Total amount of water (ml) |
44489.07 |
39210.12 |
28697.88 |
18121.31 |
12612.70 |
4 |
Amount of water in (kg) (1ml=0.997g) |
44355.61 |
39092.49 |
28611.79 |
18066.94 |
12574.86 |
5 |
Amount of water in cm (area of container 38.46 cm2) |
67.14 |
59.18 |
43.31 |
27.35 |
19.04 |
6 |
Moisture deficit (%) |
11.17 |
-2.02 |
-28.29 |
-54.72 |
-68.48 |
(Cumulative pan evaporation during the experimentation = 60.40 cm)
Table 3: Cob weight (g) as influenced by different moisture regimes in maize genotypes
Sl. No. |
Genotypes |
Cob weight (g) |
Mean |
Moisture regimes |
M1 |
M2 |
M3 |
M4 |
M5 |
1 |
G1: DMIL 281 |
57.00 |
51.24 |
42.52 |
32.21 |
22.23 |
41.04 |
2 |
G2: DMIL 29 |
65.20 |
59.01 |
48.83 |
37.03 |
25.43 |
47.10 |
3 |
G3: NMI 15 |
61.60 |
55.69 |
46.20 |
34.93 |
23.90 |
44.46 |
4 |
G4: DMIL 78 |
81.50 |
74.17 |
60.31 |
46.46 |
30.97 |
58.68 |
5 |
G5: DMIL 150 |
50.30 |
45.27 |
37.73 |
28.67 |
19.42 |
36.28 |
6 |
G6: DMIT 30 |
45.80 |
41.68 |
33.89 |
26.01 |
17.82 |
33.04 |
7 |
G7: DMIL 112 |
56.80 |
51.40 |
42.60 |
31.81 |
22.15 |
40.95 |
8 |
G8: DMIT 11 |
74.30 |
67.46 |
55.73 |
42.05 |
28.23 |
53.56 |
9 |
G9: DMIL 132 |
72.80 |
66.03 |
53.87 |
41.42 |
27.59 |
52.34 |
10 |
G10: DMIT 27 |
80.30 |
73.07 |
59.34 |
45.77 |
30.51 |
57.80 |
11 |
G11: DMIL 77 |
65.30 |
59.42 |
48.65 |
36.57 |
25.47 |
47.08 |
12 |
G12: DMIL 58 |
47.30 |
42.95 |
35.19 |
26.44 |
18.45 |
34.07 |
13 |
G13: DMID 35 |
74.50 |
67.05 |
55.88 |
41.72 |
29.06 |
53.64 |
14 |
G14: DMIL 117 |
72.80 |
65.96 |
53.87 |
41.50 |
27.66 |
52.36 |
15 |
G15: DMIL 23 |
89.50 |
81.36 |
67.13 |
51.02 |
34.91 |
64.78 |
16 |
G16: DMIL 13 |
91.80 |
83.54 |
68.39 |
51.41 |
35.34 |
66.10 |
17 |
G17: DMIL 52 |
57.30 |
51.57 |
42.86 |
32.03 |
22.23 |
41.20 |
18 |
G18: DMIL 41 |
59.80 |
53.76 |
44.67 |
33.79 |
23.14 |
43.03 |
19 |
G19: DMID 16 |
53.20 |
47.88 |
39.90 |
30.00 |
20.75 |
38.35 |
20 |
G20: DMID 09 |
64.00 |
58.24 |
48.00 |
36.48 |
24.96 |
46.34 |
21 |
G21: DMIL 47 |
80.30 |
73.07 |
60.06 |
44.97 |
31.16 |
57.91 |
22 |
G22: DMID 147 |
75.00 |
67.50 |
55.50 |
42.75 |
28.50 |
53.85 |
23 |
G23: DMID 05 |
64.50 |
58.70 |
48.12 |
36.44 |
24.90 |
46.53 |
24 |
G24: DMIL 84 |
77.80 |
70.80 |
58.27 |
44.19 |
30.26 |
56.26 |
25 |
G25: DMIL 99 |
58.10 |
52.58 |
43.58 |
32.94 |
22.66 |
41.97 |
26 |
G26: DMIL 63 |
68.50 |
62.20 |
50.69 |
39.05 |
26.03 |
49.29 |
27 |
G27: DMIT 65 |
80.30 |
72.83 |
59.34 |
45.77 |
30.43 |
57.74 |
28 |
G28: DMIT 01 |
85.70 |
77.99 |
63.42 |
48.68 |
32.57 |
61.67 |
29 |
G29: DMID 02 |
76.50 |
69.62 |
57.38 |
42.84 |
29.84 |
55.23 |
30 |
G30: DMIL 97 |
66.30 |
60.20 |
49.73 |
37.53 |
25.86 |
47.92 |
31 |
G31: DMIT 110 |
68.00 |
61.20 |
51.00 |
38.69 |
25.84 |
48.95 |
32 |
G32: DMIL 50 |
96.50 |
87.43 |
71.41 |
55.01 |
36.57 |
69.38 |
33 |
G33: DMIDS 12 |
66.80 |
60.72 |
50.10 |
37.41 |
25.72 |
48.15 |
34 |
G34: DMIDS 03 |
71.30 |
64.88 |
53.12 |
39.86 |
27.38 |
51.31 |
35 |
G35: DMIDS 21 |
71.50 |
64.35 |
53.48 |
40.04 |
27.89 |
51.45 |
36 |
G36: DMIDS 33 |
76.00 |
68.32 |
56.77 |
43.32 |
28.88 |
54.66 |
37 |
G37: DMIDS 10 |
84.50 |
76.05 |
63.38 |
48.17 |
32.96 |
61.01 |
38 |
G38: DMIDS 15 |
79.50 |
72.35 |
59.63 |
45.32 |
30.61 |
57.48 |
39 |
G39: DMIDS 28 |
81.30 |
73.98 |
60.81 |
45.53 |
31.54 |
58.63 |
40 |
G40: DMIDS 07 |
66.00 |
59.40 |
48.84 |
37.62 |
25.54 |
47.48 |
Mean |
70.39 |
63.77 |
52.50 |
39.84 |
27.13 |
For comparison of |
S.Em. + |
CD @ 0.05 |
Moisture regimes (M) |
0.63 |
1.87 |
Genotypes (G) |
1.79 |
5.30 |
M x G |
4.00 |
11.84 |
M1 = +11.17 M2 = -2.02 M3 = -28.29 M4 = -54.72 M5 = -68.48
Table 4: Number of seeds per cob as influenced by different moisture regimes in maize genotypes
Sl. No. |
Genotypes |
Number of seeds per cob |
Mean |
Moisture regimes |
M1 |
M2 |
M3 |
M4 |
M5 |
1 |
G1: DMIL 281 |
322.00 |
291.73 |
239.89 |
183.54 |
122.04 |
231.84 |
2 |
G2: DMIL 29 |
241.00 |
219.07 |
180.27 |
137.37 |
92.79 |
174.10 |
3 |
G3: NMI 15 |
241.50 |
219.77 |
180.40 |
137.17 |
92.74 |
174.31 |
4 |
G4: DMIL 78 |
278.50 |
250.65 |
208.88 |
155.96 |
108.62 |
200.52 |
5 |
G5: DMIL 150 |
186.00 |
169.26 |
139.50 |
105.28 |
70.68 |
134.14 |
6 |
G6: DMIT 30 |
134.00 |
120.60 |
100.23 |
76.25 |
52.26 |
96.67 |
7 |
G7: DMIL 112 |
214.00 |
194.74 |
158.36 |
121.98 |
82.39 |
154.29 |
8 |
G8: DMIT 11 |
348.00 |
316.68 |
259.61 |
194.88 |
135.02 |
250.84 |
9 |
G9: DMIL 132 |
239.50 |
215.55 |
179.39 |
133.88 |
92.69 |
172.20 |
10 |
G10: DMIT 27 |
361.50 |
324.99 |
271.13 |
202.44 |
140.99 |
260.21 |
11 |
G11: DMIL 77 |
250.00 |
226.25 |
185.00 |
142.50 |
97.50 |
180.25 |
12 |
G12: DMIL 58 |
274.00 |
247.70 |
202.49 |
156.18 |
106.31 |
197.33 |
13 |
G13: DMID 35 |
242.50 |
220.68 |
179.45 |
138.23 |
92.15 |
174.60 |
14 |
G14: DMIL 117 |
307.00 |
276.30 |
230.25 |
171.92 |
118.50 |
220.79 |
15 |
G15: DMIL 23 |
285.00 |
259.35 |
213.75 |
162.45 |
110.87 |
206.28 |
16 |
G16: DMIL 13 |
399.50 |
361.55 |
295.63 |
225.72 |
155.81 |
287.64 |
17 |
G17: DMIL 52 |
316.50 |
287.38 |
233.89 |
179.77 |
120.27 |
227.56 |
18 |
G18: DMIL 41 |
327.00 |
296.59 |
243.62 |
185.41 |
123.93 |
235.31 |
19 |
G19: DMID 16 |
161.00 |
146.51 |
119.78 |
91.77 |
61.18 |
116.05 |
20 |
G20: DMID 09 |
283.50 |
257.99 |
212.63 |
161.60 |
110.57 |
205.25 |
21 |
G21: DMIL 47 |
438.00 |
397.70 |
324.12 |
248.78 |
170.82 |
315.89 |
22 |
G22: DMID 147 |
342.00 |
307.80 |
256.50 |
191.52 |
129.96 |
245.56 |
23 |
G23: DMID 05 |
231.50 |
209.74 |
172.47 |
131.03 |
90.29 |
167.00 |
24 |
G24: DMIL 84 |
431.00 |
391.78 |
322.39 |
245.24 |
168.09 |
311.70 |
25 |
G25: DMIL 99 |
191.50 |
174.27 |
143.05 |
109.16 |
73.73 |
138.34 |
26 |
G26: DMIL 63 |
308.00 |
277.20 |
231.00 |
172.48 |
119.50 |
221.64 |
27 |
G27: DMIT 65 |
268.50 |
241.38 |
201.38 |
150.09 |
103.91 |
193.05 |
28 |
G28: DMIT 01 |
437.50 |
393.75 |
327.25 |
245.00 |
170.63 |
314.83 |
29 |
G29: DMID 02 |
267.00 |
242.97 |
197.58 |
152.19 |
104.13 |
192.77 |
30 |
G30: DMIL 97 |
295.00 |
268.45 |
220.07 |
168.15 |
114.46 |
213.23 |
31 |
G31: DMIT 110 |
294.00 |
267.54 |
220.21 |
164.64 |
111.72 |
211.62 |
32 |
G32: DMIL 50 |
390.50 |
351.45 |
292.88 |
218.29 |
150.73 |
280.77 |
33 |
G33: DMIDS 12 |
254.00 |
231.14 |
187.96 |
143.51 |
98.81 |
183.08 |
34 |
G34: DMIDS 03 |
275.00 |
248.88 |
203.23 |
155.10 |
107.25 |
197.89 |
35 |
G35: DMIDS 21 |
280.00 |
254.24 |
207.20 |
159.60 |
106.40 |
201.49 |
36 |
G36: DMIDS 33 |
251.50 |
228.11 |
188.63 |
140.84 |
95.32 |
180.88 |
37 |
G37: DMIDS 10 |
294.00 |
267.54 |
220.50 |
167.58 |
111.72 |
212.27 |
38 |
G38: DMIDS 15 |
340.50 |
309.86 |
255.38 |
192.38 |
132.80 |
246.18 |
39 |
G39: DMIDS 28 |
344.00 |
312.35 |
254.56 |
195.39 |
134.16 |
248.09 |
40 |
G40: DMIDS 07 |
272.50 |
245.25 |
204.38 |
154.51 |
103.55 |
196.04 |
Mean |
290.45 |
263.12 |
216.62 |
164.24 |
112.13 |
For comparison of |
S.Em. + |
CD @ 0.05 |
Moisture regimes (M) |
2.63 |
7.79 |
Genotypes (G) |
7.45 |
22.04 |
M x G |
16.65 |
49.28 |
M1 = +11.17 M2 = -2.02 M3 = -28.29 M4 = -54.72 M5 = -68.48
Table 5: Shelling percentage (%) of maize genotypes as influenced by different moisture regimes
Sl. No. |
Genotypes |
Shelling percentage (%) |
Mean |
Moisture regimes |
M1 |
M2 |
M3 |
M4 |
M5 |
1 |
G1: DMIL 281 |
75.96 |
76.47 |
76.37 |
75.16 |
75.19 |
75.83 |
2 |
G2: DMIL 29 |
25.77 |
25.85 |
25.80 |
25.63 |
25.70 |
25.75 |
3 |
G3: NMI 15 |
77.60 |
77.85 |
77.39 |
77.19 |
78.00 |
77.61 |
4 |
G4: DMIL 78 |
83.44 |
83.44 |
83.44 |
83.44 |
83.44 |
83.44 |
5 |
G5: DMIL 150 |
82.31 |
83.22 |
81.87 |
80.86 |
83.16 |
82.28 |
6 |
G6: DMIT 30 |
80.79 |
80.61 |
81.77 |
81.07 |
78.92 |
80.63 |
7 |
G7: DMIL 112 |
72.71 |
72.31 |
72.71 |
73.36 |
72.71 |
72.76 |
8 |
G8: DMIT 11 |
82.91 |
82.72 |
81.80 |
83.20 |
85.09 |
83.14 |
9 |
G9: DMIL 132 |
77.34 |
77.51 |
77.23 |
77.06 |
77.54 |
77.33 |
10 |
G10: DMIT 27 |
75.72 |
75.72 |
75.82 |
75.72 |
75.52 |
75.70 |
11 |
G11: DMIL 77 |
77.34 |
76.49 |
77.85 |
78.72 |
76.34 |
77.35 |
12 |
G12: DMIL 58 |
87.32 |
86.45 |
88.02 |
88.72 |
85.97 |
87.30 |
13 |
G13: DMID 35 |
73.15 |
73.15 |
73.15 |
73.15 |
73.15 |
73.15 |
14 |
G14: DMIL 117 |
78.98 |
79.33 |
78.98 |
78.43 |
78.98 |
78.94 |
15 |
G15: DMIL 23 |
75.20 |
75.28 |
75.20 |
75.06 |
75.20 |
75.19 |
16 |
G16: DMIL 13 |
77.89 |
77.03 |
77.89 |
79.28 |
77.89 |
77.99 |
17 |
G17: DMIL 52 |
75.57 |
75.48 |
75.57 |
75.70 |
75.57 |
75.58 |
18 |
G18: DMIL 41 |
75.25 |
75.75 |
75.25 |
74.45 |
75.25 |
75.19 |
19 |
G19: DMID 16 |
77.82 |
78.17 |
77.82 |
77.27 |
77.82 |
77.78 |
20 |
G20: DMID 09 |
80.00 |
80.00 |
80.00 |
80.00 |
80.00 |
80.00 |
21 |
G21: DMIL 47 |
82.81 |
81.90 |
82.81 |
84.29 |
82.81 |
82.93 |
22 |
G22: DMID 147 |
77.07 |
77.92 |
77.07 |
75.71 |
77.07 |
76.97 |
23 |
G23: DMID 05 |
56.59 |
56.28 |
56.59 |
57.09 |
56.59 |
56.63 |
24 |
G24: DMIL 84 |
83.80 |
83.62 |
83.80 |
84.10 |
83.80 |
83.83 |
25 |
G25: DMIL 99 |
67.81 |
67.96 |
67.81 |
67.57 |
67.81 |
67.80 |
26 |
G26: DMIL 63 |
84.82 |
85.00 |
84.82 |
84.52 |
84.82 |
84.80 |
27 |
G27: DMIT 65 |
70.73 |
70.97 |
70.73 |
70.36 |
70.73 |
70.71 |
28 |
G28: DMIT 01 |
79.35 |
79.17 |
79.35 |
79.63 |
79.35 |
79.37 |
29 |
G29: DMID 02 |
72.55 |
71.75 |
72.55 |
73.84 |
72.55 |
72.65 |
30 |
G30: DMIL 97 |
82.96 |
82.77 |
82.96 |
83.25 |
82.96 |
82.98 |
31 |
G31: DMIT 110 |
80.44 |
81.25 |
79.37 |
79.17 |
82.56 |
80.56 |
32 |
G32: DMIL 50 |
80.31 |
80.67 |
80.20 |
79.75 |
80.52 |
80.29 |
33 |
G33: DMIDS 12 |
79.04 |
78.26 |
78.51 |
80.31 |
80.07 |
79.24 |
34 |
G34: DMIDS 03 |
71.25 |
70.39 |
71.15 |
72.65 |
71.43 |
71.37 |
35 |
G35: DMIDS 21 |
72.03 |
72.03 |
72.22 |
72.03 |
71.66 |
71.99 |
36 |
G36: DMIDS 33 |
71.71 |
72.59 |
71.04 |
70.33 |
73.03 |
71.74 |
37 |
G37: DMIDS 10 |
76.33 |
77.18 |
76.33 |
74.99 |
76.33 |
76.23 |
38 |
G38: DMIDS 15 |
84.91 |
84.91 |
84.34 |
84.91 |
86.01 |
85.01 |
39 |
G39: DMIDS 28 |
84.87 |
83.94 |
84.87 |
86.39 |
84.87 |
84.99 |
40 |
G40: DMIDS 07 |
75.00 |
75.83 |
75.71 |
73.68 |
73.64 |
74.77 |
Mean |
76.19 |
76.18 |
76.15 |
76.20 |
76.25 |
For comparison of |
S.Em. + |
CD @ 0.05 |
Moisture regimes (M) |
0.69 |
2.05 |
Genotypes (G) |
1.96 |
5.79 |
M x G |
4.37 |
12.94 |
M1 = +11.17 M2 = -2.02 M3 = -28.29 M4 = -54.72 M5 = -68.48
Table 6: Test weight (g) as influenced by different moisture regimes in maize genotypes
Sl. No. |
Genotypes |
Test weight (g) |
Mean |
Moisture regimes |
M1 |
M2 |
M3 |
M4 |
M5 |
1 |
G1: DMIL 281 |
15.30 |
13.86 |
11.40 |
8.72 |
5.80 |
11.02 |
2 |
G2: DMIL 29 |
15.80 |
14.36 |
11.82 |
9.01 |
6.08 |
11.41 |
3 |
G3: NMI 15 |
22.70 |
20.66 |
16.96 |
12.89 |
8.72 |
16.38 |
4 |
G4: DMIL 78 |
24.30 |
21.87 |
18.23 |
13.61 |
9.48 |
17.50 |
5 |
G5: DMIL 150 |
23.20 |
21.11 |
17.40 |
13.13 |
8.82 |
16.73 |
6 |
G6: DMIT 30 |
30.60 |
27.54 |
22.89 |
17.41 |
11.93 |
22.07 |
7 |
G7: DMIL 112 |
21.50 |
19.57 |
15.91 |
12.26 |
8.28 |
15.50 |
8 |
G8: DMIT 11 |
17.70 |
16.11 |
13.20 |
9.91 |
6.87 |
12.76 |
9 |
G9: DMIL 132 |
25.00 |
22.50 |
18.73 |
13.98 |
9.68 |
17.98 |
10 |
G10: DMIT 27 |
19.30 |
17.35 |
14.48 |
10.81 |
7.53 |
13.89 |
11 |
G11: DMIL 77 |
23.80 |
21.54 |
17.61 |
13.57 |
9.28 |
17.16 |
12 |
G12: DMIL 58 |
14.00 |
12.66 |
10.35 |
7.98 |
5.43 |
10.08 |
13 |
G13: DMID 35 |
22.30 |
20.52 |
16.95 |
12.93 |
8.92 |
16.32 |
14 |
G14: DMIL 117 |
20.30 |
18.68 |
15.43 |
11.77 |
8.12 |
14.86 |
15 |
G15: DMIL 23 |
25.30 |
23.28 |
19.23 |
14.67 |
10.12 |
18.52 |
16 |
G16: DMIL 13 |
17.30 |
15.92 |
13.15 |
10.03 |
6.92 |
12.66 |
17 |
G17: DMIL 52 |
15.50 |
14.26 |
11.78 |
8.99 |
6.20 |
11.35 |
18 |
G18: DMIL 41 |
15.50 |
14.26 |
11.78 |
8.99 |
6.20 |
11.35 |
19 |
G19: DMID 16 |
26.10 |
24.01 |
19.84 |
15.14 |
10.44 |
19.11 |
20 |
G20: DMID 09 |
23.20 |
21.34 |
17.63 |
13.46 |
9.28 |
16.98 |
21 |
G21: DMIL 47 |
21.70 |
19.96 |
16.49 |
12.59 |
8.68 |
15.88 |
22 |
G22: DMID 147 |
18.00 |
16.56 |
13.68 |
10.44 |
7.20 |
13.18 |
23 |
G23: DMID 05 |
15.30 |
14.08 |
11.63 |
8.87 |
6.12 |
11.20 |
24 |
G24: DMIL 84 |
21.00 |
19.32 |
15.96 |
12.18 |
8.40 |
15.37 |
25 |
G25: DMIL 99 |
21.20 |
19.50 |
16.11 |
12.30 |
8.48 |
15.52 |
26 |
G26: DMIL 63 |
20.70 |
19.04 |
15.73 |
12.01 |
8.28 |
15.15 |
27 |
G27: DMIT 65 |
20.50 |
18.86 |
15.58 |
11.89 |
8.20 |
15.01 |
28 |
G28: DMIT 01 |
16.80 |
15.46 |
12.77 |
9.74 |
6.72 |
12.30 |
29 |
G29: DMID 02 |
20.40 |
18.77 |
15.50 |
11.83 |
8.16 |
14.93 |
30 |
G30: DMIL 97 |
19.00 |
17.48 |
14.44 |
11.02 |
7.60 |
13.91 |
31 |
G31: DMIT 110 |
19.20 |
17.66 |
14.59 |
11.14 |
7.68 |
14.05 |
32 |
G32: DMIL 50 |
20.30 |
18.68 |
15.43 |
11.77 |
8.12 |
14.86 |
33 |
G33: DMIDS 12 |
26.60 |
24.47 |
20.22 |
15.43 |
10.64 |
19.47 |
34 |
G34: DMIDS 03 |
16.50 |
15.18 |
12.54 |
9.57 |
6.60 |
12.08 |
35 |
G35: DMIDS 21 |
17.50 |
16.10 |
13.30 |
10.15 |
7.00 |
12.81 |
36 |
G36: DMIDS 33 |
24.30 |
22.36 |
18.47 |
14.09 |
9.72 |
17.79 |
37 |
G37: DMIDS 10 |
24.80 |
22.82 |
18.85 |
14.38 |
9.92 |
18.15 |
38 |
G38: DMIDS 15 |
19.30 |
17.76 |
14.67 |
11.19 |
7.72 |
14.13 |
39 |
G39: DMIDS 28 |
19.70 |
18.12 |
14.97 |
11.43 |
7.88 |
14.42 |
40 |
G40: DMIDS 07 |
17.00 |
15.64 |
12.92 |
9.86 |
6.80 |
12.44 |
Mean |
20.46 |
18.73 |
15.46 |
11.78 |
8.10 |
For comparison of |
S.Em. + |
CD @ 0.05 |
Moisture regimes (M) |
0.18 |
0.54 |
Genotypes (G) |
0.52 |
1.53 |
M x G |
1.16 |
3.42 |
M1 = +11.17 M2 = -2.02 M3 = -28.29 M4 = -54.72 M5 = -68.48
Table 7: Harvest index (%) as influenced by different moisture regimes in maize genotypes
Sl. No. |
Genotypes |
Harvest index (%) |
Mean |
Moisture regimes |
M1 |
M2 |
M3 |
M4 |
M5 |
1 |
G1: DMIL 281 |
22.89 |
23.72 |
23.02 |
21.42 |
17.81 |
21.77 |
2 |
G2: DMIL 29 |
20.28 |
21.01 |
20.39 |
18.98 |
15.81 |
19.29 |
3 |
G3: NMI 15 |
23.02 |
23.86 |
23.15 |
21.55 |
17.96 |
21.91 |
4 |
G4: DMIL 78 |
21.75 |
22.54 |
21.87 |
20.38 |
16.87 |
20.68 |
5 |
G5: DMIL 150 |
24.12 |
24.99 |
24.26 |
22.57 |
18.82 |
22.95 |
6 |
G6: DMIT 30 |
30.96 |
32.08 |
31.13 |
29.00 |
24.01 |
29.44 |
7 |
G7: DMIL 112 |
21.94 |
22.74 |
22.06 |
20.54 |
17.12 |
20.88 |
8 |
G8: DMIT 11 |
20.62 |
21.36 |
20.73 |
19.31 |
16.08 |
19.62 |
9 |
G9: DMIL 132 |
21.62 |
22.41 |
21.75 |
20.25 |
16.77 |
20.56 |
10 |
G10: DMIT 27 |
20.84 |
21.59 |
20.95 |
19.52 |
16.15 |
19.81 |
11 |
G11: DMIL 77 |
22.88 |
23.72 |
23.01 |
21.44 |
17.80 |
21.77 |
12 |
G12: DMIL 58 |
23.51 |
24.37 |
23.64 |
22.02 |
18.27 |
22.36 |
13 |
G13: DMID 35 |
20.91 |
21.67 |
21.02 |
19.56 |
16.31 |
19.89 |
14 |
G14: DMIL 117 |
19.83 |
20.55 |
19.94 |
18.57 |
15.38 |
18.86 |
15 |
G15: DMIL 23 |
19.98 |
20.70 |
20.09 |
18.72 |
15.59 |
19.02 |
16 |
G16: DMIL 13 |
18.52 |
19.20 |
18.63 |
17.35 |
14.41 |
17.62 |
17 |
G17: DMIL 52 |
21.72 |
22.51 |
21.84 |
20.32 |
16.92 |
20.66 |
18 |
G18: DMIL 41 |
22.28 |
23.09 |
22.41 |
20.85 |
17.35 |
21.20 |
19 |
G19: DMID 16 |
24.01 |
24.88 |
24.14 |
22.46 |
18.72 |
22.84 |
20 |
G20: DMID 09 |
21.40 |
22.17 |
21.52 |
20.05 |
16.69 |
20.37 |
21 |
G21: DMIL 47 |
22.54 |
23.36 |
22.66 |
21.11 |
17.56 |
21.45 |
22 |
G22: DMID 147 |
21.47 |
22.24 |
21.59 |
20.09 |
16.65 |
20.41 |
23 |
G23: DMID 05 |
40.39 |
41.85 |
40.61 |
37.84 |
31.43 |
38.42 |
24 |
G24: DMIL 84 |
20.91 |
21.67 |
21.03 |
19.59 |
16.30 |
19.90 |
25 |
G25: DMIL 99 |
23.98 |
24.85 |
24.12 |
22.46 |
18.71 |
22.82 |
26 |
G26: DMIL 63 |
21.24 |
22.01 |
21.36 |
19.89 |
16.47 |
20.19 |
27 |
G27: DMIT 65 |
20.86 |
21.61 |
20.98 |
19.53 |
16.17 |
19.83 |
28 |
G28: DMIT 01 |
18.81 |
19.49 |
18.92 |
17.62 |
14.59 |
17.89 |
29 |
G29: DMID 02 |
20.36 |
21.10 |
20.47 |
19.07 |
15.88 |
19.38 |
30 |
G30: DMIL 97 |
21.45 |
22.23 |
21.57 |
20.09 |
16.73 |
20.41 |
31 |
G31: DMIT 110 |
21.84 |
22.62 |
21.96 |
20.43 |
17.03 |
20.78 |
32 |
G32: DMIL 50 |
18.53 |
19.20 |
18.64 |
17.35 |
14.37 |
17.62 |
33 |
G33: DMIDS 12 |
22.50 |
23.33 |
22.63 |
21.08 |
17.55 |
21.42 |
34 |
G34: DMIDS 03 |
23.52 |
24.38 |
23.65 |
22.03 |
18.29 |
22.37 |
35 |
G35: DMIDS 21 |
21.45 |
22.23 |
21.57 |
20.07 |
16.71 |
20.40 |
36 |
G36: DMIDS 33 |
22.36 |
23.16 |
22.48 |
20.92 |
17.41 |
21.26 |
37 |
G37: DMIDS 10 |
20.95 |
21.71 |
21.07 |
19.61 |
16.34 |
19.94 |
38 |
G38: DMIDS 15 |
21.34 |
22.11 |
21.46 |
19.99 |
16.65 |
20.31 |
39 |
G39: DMIDS 28 |
21.05 |
21.82 |
21.17 |
19.72 |
16.40 |
20.03 |
40 |
G40: DMIDS 07 |
23.12 |
23.96 |
23.25 |
21.64 |
17.93 |
21.98 |
Mean |
22.29 |
23.10 |
22.42 |
20.87 |
17.35 |
For comparison of |
S.Em. + |
CD @ 0.05 |
Moisture regimes (M) |
0.21 |
0.62 |
Genotypes (G) |
0.59 |
1.74 |
M x G |
1.32 |
3.90 |
M1 = +11.17 M2 = -2.02 M3 = -28.29 M4 = -54.72 M5 = -68.48
Considering all the above parameters under severe moisture stress the genotypes , G32-DMIL 50, G16-DMIL 13, G39- DMIDS 28, G4-DMIL 78, G28-DMIT 01, G38-DMIDS 15, G15-DMIL 23, G21-DMIL 47, G24-DMIL 84 and G37-DMIDS 10 performed well compared to other genotypes. The genotype G32- DMIL 50 found promising under various moisture regimes.
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