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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 6
First page : (350) Last page : (358)
Article doi: : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2582-2845.8460
Drought Tolerance of Maize Genotypes for Yield and Yield Parameters Using Line Source Sprinkler Irrigation Technique
Renuka S. Herakal1 , B. B. Channappagoudar2, C. M. Navalagatti3, B. R. Patil4 and R. H. Patil5
1Ph.D Scholar (Crop Physiology), 2,3Professors of Crop Physiology, 4Professor of Genetics and Plant Breeding and 5Assistant Professors of Agricultural Meteorology
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad-580 005, Karnataka, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail: renukapgoudar@gmail.com
Received: 3.11.2020 | Revised: 7.12.2020 | Accepted: 12.12.2020
Forty maize genotypes were studied for influence of moisture stress on yield and yield characters using line source sprinkler irrigation technique during rabi-summer, 2016-17 and 2017-2018 using line source sprinkler irrigation technique. The genotypes, G32-DMIL 50, G16-DMIL 13, G39- DMIDS 28, G4-DMIL 78, G28-DMIT 01, G38-DMIDS 15, G15-DMIL 23, G21-DMIL 47, G24-DMIL 84 and G37-DMIDS recorded higher yield compared to other genotypes. The genotype G32- DMIL 50 found promising under various moisture regimes. The genotype G32- DMIL 50 (96.50) and G16- DMIL 13 (91.80) recorded significantly higher cob weight (g/cob) at M1 moisture regime whereas, significantly lower cob weight (g/cob) was recorded in genotype G6- DMIT 30 (17.82), G12- DMIL 58 (18.45), G5- DMIL 150 (19.42), G19- DMID 16 (20.75), G7- DMIL 112 (22.15) and G17- DMIL 52 (22.23) at M5 moisture regime. G21- DMIL 47 (315.89), G28- DMIT 01 (314.83) and G24- DMIL 84 (311.70) recorded significantly higher number of seeds per cob and G6- DMIT 30 (96.67) and G19- DMID 16 (116.05) recorded significantly lower number of seeds per cob. Genotypes G12- DMIL 58 (87.30), G38- DMIDS 15 (85.01), G39- DMIDS 28 (84.99), G26- DMIL 63 (84.80), G24- DMIL 84 (83.83) and G4- DMIL 78 (83.44) recorded significantly higher shelling percentage.
Key words: Maize, Drought tolerance, Yield, Yield parameters, Moisture stress.
Full Text : PDF; Journal doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782
Cite this article: Herakal, R.S., Channappagoudar, B.B., Navalagatti, C.M., Patil, B. R., & Patil, R.H. (2020). Drought Tolerance of Maize Genotypes for Yield and Yield Parameters Using Line Source Sprinkler Irrigation Technique, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 8(6), 350-358. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2582-2845.8460