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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 6
First page : (254) Last page : (261)
Article doi: :

Effect of Pre Harvest Sprays of Plant Growth Regulators and Micronutrients on Fruit Set, Fruit Drop and Fruit Retention of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Lucknow-49

N. U. Vani1*, A. Bhagwan2, A. Kiran Kumar3, M. Sreedhar4 and S.R. Sharath5
1Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Horticulture with Specialization in Fruit Science,
College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar
2Director of Research, Senior Scientist (Hort.) & Head, Fruit Research Station, Sangareddy
3Associate Dean, College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar
4Principal Scientist& Head, Dept. of Genetics and Plant breeding,
5MFPI Quality Control Laboratory, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 3.11.2020 | Revised: 8.12.2020 | Accepted: 14.12.2020 


An experiment was conducted on the effects of plant growth regulators (SA@100ppm, GA3@100ppm, NAA@200ppm) and micronutrients (ZnSO4 + Boric acid, ZnSO4 + Boric acid + CuSO4, ZnSO4 + Boric acid +MgSO4, ZnSO4 + Boric acid + CuSO4 + MgSO4 each at 0.4%) on fruit set, fruit drop and fruit retention in fifteen year old guava cv. L-49 under randomized block design with factorial concept was conducted at Fruit research station, Sangareddy, SKLTSHU, Telangana. Yield attributing parameters like fruit set (%), fruit retention (%) and fruit drop (%) were recorded. Among PGRs, NAA@200ppm has recorded significantly highest fruit set (71.08%), fruit retention (75.01%) and lowest fruit drop (25.16%). Among micronutrients, ZnSO4 @ 0.4% + Boric acid @ 0.4% + CuSO4 @0.4% + MgSO4 @0.4% has recorded significantly highest fruit set (68.06%), fruit retention(71.79%) and lowest fruit drop (33.62%). In interaction effects, NAA@200ppm  and ZnSO4 @ 0.4% + Boric acid @ 0.4% + CuSO4 @0.4% + MgSO4 @0.4% has recorded significantly maximum fruit set (76.15%), fruit retention (78.25%). Minimum fruit drop percentage (21.75%) was recorded in the same treatment. NAA@200ppm and ZnSO4 @ 0.4% + Boric acid @ 0.4% + CuSO4 @0.4% + MgSO4 @0.4% was superior in improving the flowering parameters of guava cv. Lucknow-49.

Keywords: PGRs, Fruit set, Fruit drop, Fruit retention, Micronutrients.

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Cite this article: Vani, N. U., Bhagwan, A., Kiran Kumar, A., Sreedhar, M., & Sharath, S. R. (2020). Effect of Pre Harvest Sprays of Plant Growth Regulators and Micronutrients on Fruit Set, Fruit Drop and Fruit Retention of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Lucknow-49, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 8(6), 254-261. doi:

