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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 4
First page : (335) Last page : (342)
Article doi: :

Constraints in the Production and Marketing of Rose, Marigold and Chrysanthemum of Baghpat district (U.P.)

Lalit Kumar Verma1* , Nitin Kumar Nag1 and Shashank Tomer2
1Deptt. of Agricultural Economics, 2Deptt. of Horticulture, J.V. College, Baraut (Baghpat)-250611
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 4.07.2020  |  Revised: 11.08.2020   |  Accepted: 16.08.2020 


India has a long tradition of floriculture. Flowers have been depicted in ancient paintings. However, the social and economic aspects of flowers growing were recognized only later. It is only in the last three decades with changing lifestyles and under increased urban affluence.The decrease the area, production and shrinkage in of flowers in Baghpat district in the last some years. Therefore, an attempt has been made in the present study to identify major constraints in the production and marketing of some cut & loose flowers i.e. Rose, Marigold and Chrysanthemum.To derive the inferences of the study, the primary data were collected from 60 farmers i.e. 20 each from Barnawa, Binauli, and Bijwara village of Binauli block of Baghpat district. Data collected for study pertaining to the period 2018-19. Primary data was collected from selected Rose, Marigold and Chrysanthemum growers through personal interview method with the help of pretested schedule.The main production constraints noticed were inadequate knowledge of recommended packages and practices, unfavorable weather condition and non- availability of quality water for irrigation. The main marketing constraints were price fluctuation, small quantity of marketable surplus, non-availability of reliable market information system and involvement of large number of intermediaries in the marketing.

Keywords: Floriculture, Cut & loose flowers, Production and Marketing.

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Cite this article: Verma, L.K., Nag, N.K., & Tomer, S. (2020). Constraints in the Production and Marketing of Rose, Marigold and Chrysanthemum of Baghpat district (U.P.), Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 8(4), 335-342. doi:

