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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 2
First page : (273) Last page : (281)
Article doi: :

Optimization of Nozzle Characteristics for Different Type of Sprayers

Anil Kumar1, Rajender Kumar2* , Aman1, Vijay Singh3 and Nitin Karwasra1
1Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering
2Department of Basic Engineering
3Department of Processing and Power Engineering
CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125004
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 13.03.2020  |  Revised: 19.04.2020   |  Accepted: 25.04.2020 


Three different types of sprayers were evaluated in the laboratory for optimization of nozzle characteristics viz., pressure (3, 4, 5 kg cm-²) and nozzle height (53, 54.5 and 56 cm) in relation to discharge rate (l min-1), swath width (cm), spray angle (degree) and spray pattern. The swath width, spray angle and discharge rate increased with increase in pressure from 3 to 5 Kg cm-2 and height of nozzle from 53 to 56 cm for all types of sprayers. The coefficient of variation (CV) in spray distribution for all the three sprayers nozzle was influenced by the pressure. The coefficient of variation of self propelled high clearance sprayer (24.55) was less as compared to lever operated knapsack (53.97) and tractor operated gun sprayer (52.14). The lever operated knapsack and tractor operated gun sprayer performed better at pressure of 3 and 4 Kg cm-2 and nozzle height of 53 and 54.5 cm, respectively. The self propelled high clearance sprayer gives best results at a pressure of 5 Kg cm-2 and nozzle height of 53 cm.

Keywords: Bio-efficacy, Droplets, Efficiency, Sprayer, Uniformity.

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Cite this article: Kumar, A., Kumar, R., Aman, Singh, V., & Karwasra, N. (2020). Optimization of Nozzle Characteristics for Different Type of Sprayers, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci.8(2), 273-281. doi:

