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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2020, Volume : 8, Issue : 1
First page : (105) Last page : (109)
Article doi: :

Growth and Yield of Okra Varieties as Influenced by Different Varieties and Sowing Windows

Gaikwad S. D.*, Kharbade S. B., Shaikh A. A., Kadam M. B., Sthool V. A. and Jadhav J. D.
Department of Agricultural Meteorology, Centre for Advanced Faculty Training (CAFT) in Agricultural Meteorology, College of Agriculture, Pune – 411 005 Maharashtra, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 13.11.2019  |  Revised: 20.12.2019   |  Accepted: 27.12.2019  


An experiment “Effect of weather parameters on growth, yield and insect pest infestation on okra varieties under different sowing windows” was carried out at Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Meteorology Farm, Centre for Advanced Agricultural Meteorology, College of Agriculture, Pune during Kharif seasons of 2014 and 2015.
Yield contributing characters viz., fruit weight per plant (149.45 and 157.83 g) number of fruits per plant (18.26 and 19.28) during both the years 2014 and 2015, respectively, which were found significantly higher in variety Phule Utkarsha over Parbhani Kranti and Arka Anamika. Fruit yield per ha (196.12 and 207.12 q/ha) was higher in Phule Utkarsha during 2014 and 2015, respectively, which were at par with Parbhani Kranti followed by Arka Anamika, while., fruit weight per plant (151.30 and 160.59 g), number of fruits per plant (18.49 and 19.62) during 2014 to 2015, respectively which were observed significantly higher in 27th MW (1st week of July). This was followed by 28th MW sowing window which was at par with the 29th MW sowing window in all the growth attributes. The lowest values were recorded in 30th MW (fourth week of July). Fruit yield per ha (198.54 and 210.73 qha-1) was higher with 27th MW sowing window during 2014 and 2015, respectively. This was followed by 28th MW sowing window which was at par with the 29th MW sowing window. The lower fruit yield recorded with 30th MW sowing window.

Keywords: Fruit weight per plant, Number of fruits per plant, MW, Sowing windows.

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Cite this article: Gaikwad, S.D., Kharbade, S.B., Shaikh, A.A., Kadam, M.B., Sthool V.A., & Jadhav, J.D. (2020). Growth and Yield of Okra Varieties as Influenced by Different Varieties and Sowing Windows, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 8(1), 105-109. doi:

