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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2019, Volume : 7, Issue : 6
First page : (327) Last page : (331)
Article doi: :

A Scale to Measure the Attitude of the Postgraduate Scholars towards Extension Work

Naveenkumar, G.1* and Chauhan, N. B.2
1Ph.D. Scholar, 2Professor and Head,
Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication, B. A. College of Agriculture,
Anand Agricultural University, Anand
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 2.11.2019  |  Revised: 6.12.2019   |  Accepted: 14.12.2019  


The major job of extension is spread out knowledge, skill and attitude which are beyond the reach of people to receive through formal education. The persons can make themselves competent for extension by learning three major components of extension viz. extension education, extension service and extension work. It is expected to have constructive feelings towards extension education, extension work and extension service amongst those who want to develop their career in extension. When work of extension is carried out by any organizations or individuals with the feelings of altruism, selflessness or humanity to help the farmers, it is known as extension work. Many NGOs and extension educationists while doing social work perform this type of work with emotional attachment. Extension work is an effective and productive way to help resource poor farmers. Keeping this in view a standardized scale has been developed to measure the attitude of the postgraduate scholars towards extension work as one of the significant elements of extension. A summated (likert) rating scale was been developed. The process started with identifying the dimension, collection of items followed by relevancy and item analysis and checking the reliability and validity for precision and consistency of the results. A total of 20 statements were framed in which finally 10 statements were finally retained which has practical applicability in measuring the attitude of postgraduate scholars towards extension work. The scale contains total ten statements, out of which six are positive and four statements are negative. The scale developed was found highly reliable

Keywords: Extension Work, Attitude, Likert Scale, Thurstone, Edwards, Guilford

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Cite this article: Naveenkumar, G. & Chauhan, N. B. (2019). A Scale to Measure the Attitude of the Postgraduate Scholars towards Extension Work, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 7(6), 327-331. doi:

