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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2019, Volume : 7, Issue : 5
First page : (433) Last page : (443)
Article doi: : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.7793
Characterization of Mung bean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) Genotypes Based on Plant Morphology
Patel, J. D., Patel, J. B. and Chetariya, C. P.*
Department Of Seed Science and Technology, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail: chetariyachana89@gmail.com
Received: 24.08.2019 | Revised: 27.09.2019 | Accepted: 4.10.2019
The characterization and grouping of the forty four mung bean genotypes based on plant morphological characters was carried out at Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh during kharif 2018. Time of flowering varied with the genotypes ranging from 37.33 days (GJM 1011) to 53.67 days (Pant M-3). Based on time of flowering, the genotypes were grouped as early (two genotypes EC 482907 and GJM 1011), medium (41 genotypes) and late (one genotype Pant M-3). Flower colour of petal was yellow in two genotypes (EC 251810 and GM 06-08), while it was light yellow in 42 genotypes. Petiole colour was observed green (seven genotypes), green with purple (14 genotypes) and purple (23 genotypes). Based on plant habit, genotypes were grouped as indeterminate (seven genotypes) and determinate (37 genotypes). Based on plant growth habit, genotypes were grouped as erect (seven genotypes), semi-erect (21 genotypes) and spreading type (16 genotypes). Among 44 genotypes, plant height was short in one genotype (K 851), while it was long in 12 genotypes and medium in the remaining 31 genotypes. Pubescence was present in all the genotypes evaluated. Stem color was noted green in 17 genotypes and green with purple in 27 genotypes. Leaflet lobes were present in two genotypes (GJM 1103 and GM 06-08), whereas, it was absent in 42 genotypes. Leaf colour was dark green in 29 genotypes and green in 15 genotypes. Based on leaf vein color, the genotypes were grouped as green (five genotypes) and purple (39 genotypes). Shape of leaf was ovate in 41 genotypes, whereas it was deltoid in three genotypes (GJM 1020, GJM 1022 and GM 1924). Leaf size was large in three genotypes (EC 496841, GJM 1026 and OUM 11-5), small in seven genotypes and medium in 34 genotypes. All the genotypes evaluated were having green premature pod colour with pubescence on pods. Pod position was indeterminate in only one genotype (GM 1924), while it was observed above canopy in all the remaining 43 genotypes. Based on the pod colour of mature pods, genotypes were grouped into two groups as black (18 genotypes) and brown (26 genotypes) colour pods. Pod length of mature pods was long in three genotypes (GJM 1025, Kopergaon and TARM 18), short in 18 genotypes and medium in 23 genotypes. All the 44 mung bean genotypes evaluated were of green colour seeds. Based on seed shape, genotypes were grouped into drum (42 genotypes) and oval shape (two genotypes GJM 1011 and IC 24789). Seed size was medium in 32 genotypes and large in 12 genotypes.
Keywords: Characterization, Mung bean, Plant characters
Full Text : PDF; Journal doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782
Cite this article: Patel, J. D., Patel, J. B., & Chetariya, C. P. (2019). Characterization of Mung bean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) Genotypes Based on Plant Morphology, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci. 7(5), 433-443. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.7793