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International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2019, Volume : 7, Issue : 3
First page : (278) Last page : (284)
Article doi: :

Economic Efficiency and Resource Productivity of Major Cropping System under Thamirabarani River Basin

P. Jagadeshwaran, T. Rajendran, R. Pangayar Selvi and A. Sundar

Department of Social Sciences, Agricultural College and Research Institute,
Killikulam, Vallanad, Thoothukudi Dist - 628 252
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 5.05.2019 | Revised: 31.05.2019 | Accepted: 7.06.2019  



In India, there is no scope for horizontal expansion of land for increasing production. Therefore, adoption of multiple sequence of crops can increase production. Primary data have been collected from 120 sample farmers in Thamirabarani river basin during 2017-18. Resource use efficiency of individual farms has been estimated using Cobb-Douglas production function analysis. The functional analysis revealed that in cropping system-I acre, seed, machine labour were significantly contributed to the increase in  gross returns and in case of allocative efficiency, MVP to MFC ratio was greater than the unity for seed and machine labour indicating greater profitability for further use of those inputs. The technical efficiency of sample farmers indicates that major proportion of farmers fall under medium efficiency group. In case of cropping system-II acre and labour were positively significant and contributed to the increase in returns and the MVP to MFC ratio was lesser than unity indicating over utilisation of resources and 69.57 per cent of farmers comes under medium efficiency group (80-90%). Input resources like acre, seed, and machine labour were positively significant and contributing a higher returns in cropping system-III. The allocative efficiency of the sample farmers in cropping system-III was greater for machine and seed and the technical efficiency computed indicates that major proportion of farmers (57.89 per cent) were in medium efficiency group.

Key words: Cobb-Douglas production function, Resource use efficiency, Cropping system, Allocative and Technical efficiency.

Full Text : PDF; Journal doi :

Cite this article: Jagadeshwaran, P., Rajendran, T., Pangayar Selvi, R. and Sundar, A., Economic Efficiency and Resource Productivity of Major Cropping System under Thamirabarani River Basin, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.7(3): 278-284 (2019). doi:

