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International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2019, Volume : 7, Issue : 3
First page : (181) Last page : (188)
Article doi: :

Effect of Soaking Time on Sprouting and Rheological Properties of Green Gram

Tilekar Rasika Dattatray, Oswal Monica, Ayenampudi Surendra Babu and
Rangarajan Jaganmohan*

​Department of Food Product Development,
Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 5.04.2019 | Revised: 28.04.2019 | Accepted: 07.05.2019  


Present study indicates the effect of soaking time on the sprouting characteristics of green gram (Vigna radiate L). 3h, 6h and 9h soaking time showed increased sprouting percentage as 88%, 97% and 97.5% in 22h, 20 h and 20 h respectively. Hydration rate study showed that final moisture content of 6h and 9h soaked sample was higher i.e. 53.69% and 55.42% than the 3h soaked sample (41.66%). Sufficient imbibition of water was noticed in 6h and 9h soaking time intervals responsible for the highest sprouting rate. Increased sprouting rate in 6h and 9h soaking time showed the enhancement in the nutritional and pasting properties of green gram malt than the raw green gram flour. 6h and 9h soaked and malted sample showed significantly higher protein (23.86%, 24.13%) and fibre (3.66%, 3.68%) while fat content was observed to be significantly decreased than the raw green gram flour and 3 h soaked and malted green gram sample. Pasting properties showed increasing trend of peak, trough, final, setback and breakdown viscosities in 3h<6h<9h soaked and malted samples. Pasting temperature was highest (74.39oC) in 9 h soaked and malted samples. The present study will be beneficial for the food industry to produce the good quality malt by applying the 6h and 9h soaking time for spouting process.

Key words: Green gram; Malting; Protein; Soaking time; Rheology; Hydration rate.

Full Text : PDF; Journal doi :

Cite this article: Dattatray, T.R., Monica, O., Surendra Babu, A. and Jaganmohan, R., Effect of Soaking Time on Sprouting and Rheological Properties of Green Gram, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.7(3): 181-188 (2019). doi:

