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International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2019, Volume : 7, Issue : 2
First page : (513) Last page : (521)
Article doi: : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.7423
Bivoltine Sericulture Development in Penukonda, Ananthapur District of Andhra Pradesh through Cluster Promotion Programme (CPP)
P. Sudhakar1*, A. Venugopal2, S. Vidyunmala3, T. Venkataramanappa4, B. Vijaya Naidu5 and R. S. Teotia6
1, 5Regional Sericultural Research Station, Central Silk Board (CSB), Ananthapur, Andhra Pradesh, India
2Research Extension Centre, Central Silk Board (CSB), Rayachoti, Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh, India
3Silkworm Seed Technology Laboratory, NSSO, Central Silk Board, Kodathi, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
4Department of Sericulture, Penukonda-515 110, Ananthapur District, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, India
6Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute (CSRTI), CSB, Mysore-570 008, Karnataka, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail: sudhakarcsb@rediffmail.com
Received: 11.03.2019 | Revised: 17.04.2019 | Accepted: 23.04.2019
To register an impressive growth on the sericulture front in India in terms of quality and productivity but failing to give significant impact in the international market as because still it is trailing in the shadow of cross breed (CB) cocoon production which has no international value. Therefore, to elevate India in to International market the Cluster Promotion Programme (CPP) was implemented under XII five year plan during 2013-2019 in India for boosting the bivoltine sericulture development, the Central Silk Board (CSB) and state sericulture department, have jointly organised 174 clusters all over India i.e. 102 clusters in 5 states of Southern zone, 45 in 5 states of North-western zone, 11 in 3 states of Central Western Zone, 7 in 3 states of Eastern zone and 9 in 8 states of North Eastern zone, respectively. Out of 102 clusters in Southern India 46 clusters were implemented in Karnataka, 28 clusters in Tamil Nadu, 17 clusters in Andhra Pradesh, 4 in Maharashtra whereas 2 in Kerala with an anticipated 167.06 lakh disease free layings (DFLs) brushing and generate 1920MT of bivoltine raw silk.
Out of the 17 clusters of Andhra Pradesh, Penukonda has been recognised as one of the potential clusters under Ananthapur district. Due to CPP implementation during 2013-2019, Bivoltine DFLs brushing under the cluster was raised from the bench mark level (0.45 lakh) to progressive level of 1.17 lakh (2013-14),1.12 lakh (2014-15), 2.81 lakh (2015-16), 3.62 lakh (2016-17), 5.96 lakh (2017-18) and 7.68 lakh (2018-19) with a progressive increase of 18.5 to 40% DFLs brushing target and 103.6 to 300.0% increase over benchmark brushing during the XII plan contributing 219MT of bivoltine raw silk under Penukonda cluster during 5 years period. Similarly, cocoon yield per 100 DFLs also recorded significant level of increase ranging from 63.40kg to 79.64kg per 100 DFLs compared to the bench mark yield of 42.5kg/100DFLs. Moreover, the bivoltine sericultural development during XII five year plan (2013-19) has fetched the progressive average market rate from Rs. 286.0 to 452.0 per Kg compared to the benchmark rate of Rs. 225.5 during 2011-12 by the adopted silkworm rearers under the cluster thereby improving the socio economic conditions of the sericultural fraternity.
Key words: Bivoltine cocoon, CPP, DFLs, Sericulture, Silkworm rearing.
Full Text : PDF; Journal doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782
Cite this article: Sudhakar, P., Venugopal, A., Vidyunmala, S., Venkataramanappa, T., Vijaya Naidu, B. and Teotia, R. S., Bivoltine Sericulture Development in Penukonda, Ananthapur District of Andhra Pradesh through Cluster Promotion Programme (CPP), Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.7(2): 513-521 (2019). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.7423