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International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2019, Volume : 7, Issue : 2
First page : (267) Last page : (274)
Article doi: : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.7434
Assessing the Behavioural Component of ‘Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI)’ Programme
Trainees towards ICTs usage for Sustainable Agriculture
in the Sub-Himalayan Region
C. Vara Prasad1*, K. Pradhan2 and Tarun Kumar Das3
1&3PhD Scholar, 2Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension,
Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail: agriextension@varaprasadonline.com
Received: 25.02.2019 | Revised: 29.03.2019 | Accepted: 6.04.2019
In the changing global scenario, agriculture been time critical and knowledge-driven system. The development and growth of agriculture depend on the appropriate knowledge and information. Agricultural Extension, in the current scenario is rapidly shifting globally and the traditional knowledge sharing mechanisms may not cater to the needs of the farmers. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can be a key enabler and a vital component of the new knowledge-based economy and is capable of revolutionizing the process of information dissemination and knowledge. In such a resilient backdrop, the present study was conceptualized to assess the behavioural component of DAESI Programme Trainees towards ICTs usage for Sustainable Agriculture. It was conducted in two Sub-Himalayan districts of West Bengal viz. Cooch Behar and Alipurduar districts. Sixty input dealers registered under DAESI programme at KVK Cooch Behar were interviewed through a pre-tested, structured interview schedule developed to measure behavioural component of the trainees with the help of Google forms. The behavioural component namely attitude towards ICT usage of the trainees was considered as the predicted variable and fourteen other attributes were considered as the independent variables for the study. The data was processed with the help of statistical tools like frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation and regression analyses. The result shows that among the variables of extension professional; Age is negatively and significantly associated with Attitude towards ICTs. The variables Achievement motivation, Economic motivation, Risk preference are positively and significantly associated with Attitude towards ICTs. Multiple regression analysis revealed that variables aspiration towards cutting edge technology, annual income are positively and significantly contributing and annual expenditure and smart gadget possession are negatively and significantly towards the predicted variable attitude of the DAESI programme trainees towards ICTs usage. The R2 value was 0.437, which inferred that the fourteen predictor variables put together have explained 43.7 per cent variation embedded with the predicted variable Attitude towards ICT usage by the respondents
Key words: Attitude; ICTs; Sustainable livelihood; DAESI, Digital.
Full Text : PDF; Journal doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782
Cite this article: Vara Prasad, C., Pradhan, K. and Das, T.K., Assessing the Behavioural Component of ‘Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI)’ Programme Trainees towards ICTs usage for Sustainable Agriculture in the Sub-Himalayan Region, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.7(2): 267-274 (2019). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.7434