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International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2019, Volume : 7, Issue : 1
First page : (172) Last page : (176)
Article doi: : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.4088
Studies on Transgressive Segregation in F2 Generation in Deshi Cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.)
G. Anusha1*, P. N. Rasal2, M. R. Patil3, B. Lavanya4, B. Nitya Menora5 and K. Shankaraiah6
1,2,3College of Agriculture, Dhule 424004 M.S., INDIA
4,6College of Agriculture, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030
5College of Horticulture, SKLTSHU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030
*Corresponding Author E-mail: anushareddy.godhala@gmail.com
Received: 5.02.2018 | Revised: 17.03.2018 | Accepted: 28.03.2018
The identification of transgressive segregants for economically important trait such as seed cotton yield along with quality is an important aspect of any practical breeding programme. The F2 of three diverse cotton (Gossypium spp.) crosses were evaluated for the number of transgressive segregation. The experimental material consisted of six diverse parents involving three crosses. Female parent’s viz., JLA-794, AKA-7 and PA-183 were crossed with male parents viz.,JLA-505, PA-255 and PA-710. The F2 of cross JLA-794 x JLA -505 exhibited the highest frequency of transgressive segregants for seed cotton yield per plant (39) followed by AKA-7 x PA-255 (32) and PA-183 x PA-710 (26). Plant No. 92 (F2) was the most transgressive sergeant in cross no. one (JLA-794 x JLA-505) for seed cotton yield, recording 82.2% higher seed cotton yield in addition to higher intensity of expression for sympodia per plant, bolls per plant and ginning percentage. The transgressive segregants in plant no. 42 was the most promising in cross no.two (AKA-7 x PA-255) which out yielded the parent by 79.7% in addition to higher intensity of expression for sympodia per plant, bolls per plant, average boll weight and ginning percentage. In cross three (PA-183 x PA-710) plant no. 103 out yielded the increasing parent by 82.87% in addition to higher intensity of expression for sympodia per plant, bolls per plant and halo length.
Key words: Diverse cross, F2 population, Parents, Segregants and Traits.
Full Text : PDF; Journal doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.18782
Cite this article: Anusha, G., Rasal, P. N., Patil, M.R., Lavanya, B., Nitya Menora, B. and Shankaraiah, K., Studies on Transgressive Segregation in F2 Generation in Deshi Cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.), Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.7(1): 172-176 (2019). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18782/2320-7051.4088