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International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 5
First page : (1076) Last page : (1081)
Article doi: :

Effect of Soaking and Germination on Anti-Nutritional Factors of Garden Cress, Wheat and Finger Millet

Sumiran Patel and Samit Dutta*

Department of Food Business Management, College of Food Processing Technology and Bio-energy, Anand  Agricultural University, Anand-388110, Gujarat, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 20.09.2018 | Revised: 18.10.2018 | Accepted: 26.10.2018  



Objective: The effects of soaking and germination on anti-nutrients of garden cress seeds, wheat and finger millet were estimated.
Methods: The anti-nutrients determined were total cyanogen and oxalic acid for garden cress seeds, phytic acid and tannin for wheat and phytic acid and trypsin inhibitor activity for finger millet.
Results: Total cyanogen and oxalic acid of soaked garden cress seeds decreased by 23.43 and 18.52 percent respectively whereas in germinated seeds, they were decreased by 46.85 and 54.15 percent respectively. Phytic acid of soaked and germinated wheat decreased by 12.09 and 48.94 percent respectively while tannin decreased by 19.26 and 50.78 percent in soaked and germinated wheat respectively. Phytic acid and trypsin inhibitor activity were decreased by 13.22 and 13.51 percent in soaked finger millet respectively whereas the same were decreased by 64.76 and 71.02 percent respectively for germinated finger millet.

Key words: Garden cress, Wheat, Finger millet, Anti-nutritional factors, Soaking, Germination

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Cite this article: Patel, S. and Dutta, S., Effect of Soaking and Germination on Anti-Nutritional Factors of Garden Cress, Wheat and Finger Millet, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.6(5): 1076-1081 (2018). doi:

