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International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (IJPAB)
Year : 2018, Volume : 6, Issue : 3
First page : (265) Last page : (270)
Article doi: :

Impact Assessment of Vocational Mushroom Cultivation Training Programme on Knowledge Gain of Rural Women

Kavita Dalmia1 and Rakesh Kumar2*  
1SMS (Home Science), KVK Arwal, Bihar, India,
2 Department of Dairy Microbiology, Faculty of Dairy Technology, SGIDT, Jagdeo Path, Patna, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 22.05.2018  |  Revised: 18.06.2018   |  Accepted: 27.06.2018  



The present study aims to investigate the change in economic status / profile of rural women entrepreneurs after entering in oyster mushroom cultivation. As per the directive given by the Directorate of BAU, Sabour to KVK, three different women farmer’s club were formed after collecting preliminary information through interview. Sixty trainees were imparted training on mushroom cultivation by conducting three vocational training courses at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Lodipur, Arwal. In order to evaluate these training prgrammes, present study was undertaken to find out knowledge gain by the participants and suggestions from the trainees in order to bring improvement in the coming training courses. They were taught and motivated for starting oyster mushroom cultivation in addition to their other activities. Being inspired by the KVK support a number of women farmer in three villages Bara, Korium and Muradpur Huzra took the initiative for cultivating oyster mushroom. A series of off campus training programmes were also effectively organised by the scientist’s of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Lodipur Farm, Arwal. Besides, KVK scientist’s helped them with advice and assistance by distributing leaflet containing information about nutritional and medicinal value of mushroom. Facilitating marketing arrangements and the frequent visit of the scientists from KVK helped these women to take up the employment generating technologies at a higher percentage level. The knowledge level of farm / rural women were improved by attending training programme on quality spawn production in village condition, specific method of mushroom bag preparation, harvesting techniques, grading and packaging of mushroom in small pouches, preservation techniques and value addition by preparing products from oyster mushroom. This analysis of the present investigation further indicated that the women who adopt mushroom cultivation started earning handsome amount. Sales at public gatherings, markets, house to house sales were also adopted as the marketing strategies for selling the products. However, the economic problems for initiating the business are the major constraints to adopt organised mushroom cultivation in these villages. It was also observed that the credit linkage and market support if created locally will encourage other rural farm women to adopt this mushroom cultivation business.

Key words: Mushroom cultivation, Vocational Training, Gain in knowledge.

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Cite this article: Dalmia, K. and Kumar, R., Impact Assessment of Vocational Mushroom Cultivation Training Programme on Knowledge Gain of Rural Women, Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.6(3): 265-270 (2018). doi:



