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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2024, Volume : 12, Issue : 4
First page : (33) Last page : (40)
Article doi: :

Effect of Organic Amendments on Physico-chemical Properties of Sandy Loam Soils of Haryana under Saline Water Irrigation

Asha* , Parmod Kumar, Ram Prakash, Diksha Saroha
Department of Soil Science, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125004 (Haryana) India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 15.05.2024 | Revised: 23.07.2024 | Accepted: 7.08.2024 


Non-availability of good quality irrigation water in arid and semi-arid regions is an emerging concern for better crop production and obtaining higher returns from farm produce. The higher evaporation rate in these areas resulted in the development of saline soils, which interfere with crop production and sustainability in agriculture. To overcome such problems, the present investigation was conducted at a soil science research farm, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana, India, to know the effects of various organic amendments on physico-chemical properties of soil, viz. bulk density, water holding capacity, electrical conductivity and pH of soil. The study included twelve treatments viz. T1 (75% RDF), T2 (recommended dose of fertilizers, RDF), T3 [75% RDF +ST-3 (Azotobacter chroococcum)], T4 (RDF +ST-3), T5 [75% RDF+ 2.5 t/ha Biogas slurry (BGS) + ST-3], T6 (RDF+ 2.5 t/ha BGS+ ST-3), T7 [75% RDF+ 2.5 t/ha Vermicompost (VC)+ ST-3], T8 (RDF+ 2.5 t/ha VC+ ST-3), T9 [75% RDF+ 10 t/ha farm yard manure (FYM) + Biomix], T10 (RDF+ 10 t/ha FYM+ Biomix), T11 (75% RDF+ 2.5 t/ha VC+ Biomix) and T12 (RDF+ 2.5 t/ha VC+ Biomix). The soil texture was sandy loam. The highest water holding capacity and lowest bulk density was obtained with treatment T10 (RDF + FYM@ 10t/ha+ Biomix) which was at par with treatment T9, T12, T8 and T6. The lowest water holding capacity was found under 75% RDF, followed by RDF. The soil pH is reduced under integrated nutrient management with increasing salinity levels. The electrical conductivity of soil increased after two years of study under all the treatments. The study suggests sustainable saline irrigation water management and improved soil physico-chemical properties by adopting integrated nutrient management.

Keywords: Biogas slurry, Bulk density, Farmyard manure, Saline soil, vermicompost.

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Cite this article: Asha, Kumar, P., Prakash, R., & Saroha, D. (2024). Effect of Organic Amendments on Physico-chemical Properties of Sandy Loam Soils of Haryana under Saline Water Irrigation, Ind. J. Pure App. Biosci.12(4), 33-40. doi:

