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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences (IJPAB)
Year : 2022, Volume : 10, Issue : 2
First page : (10) Last page : (19)
Article doi: :

Trend Analysis of Area, Production and Yield of Major Crops of Assam

Borsha Neog1*, B. Gogoi2 and A.N. Patowary3
1Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Statistics, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13
2Professor, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh-786004
3Assistant Professor, College of Fishery Science, Assam Agricultural University, Raha-782103
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Received: 29.12.2021 | Revised: 23.02.2022 | Accepted: 4.03.2022 



This paper emphasized trend analysis, growth rate and instability of the area, rice production and yield, and jute Rapeseed & Mustard in Assam.  In this study, the different linear and non-linear function was used to fit the best-fitted Trend with the help of the value of measures of determination (R2) and mean square error (MSE).  Quadratic functions were found to be the best-fitted trend equation for the estimation of area, production and yield of selected crops of Assam.  The result shows an increasing trend for area, production and yield, except the area of Jute shows decreasing Trend.  The compound growth rate of area, production and yield of Rice, Jute Rapeseed & Mustard seems significant and positive growth, but the area and production of Jute revealed a negative growth rate in Assam.  From the value of the coefficient of variation (C.V), it has been observed that the production of all three crops has higher variation and the area of all selected crops has lower variation.  The yield of Rice seems to have a very high variation in Rice, but Jute Rapeseed & Mustard shows a stable result.

Keywords: Agricultural crop, Compound growth rate, Growth instability, Trend.

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Cite this article: Neog, B., Gogoi, B., & Patowary, A. N. (2022).  Trend analysis of area, production and yield of major crops of Assam, Ind.  J. Pure App.  Biosci. 10(2), 10-19.  doi:

